the arrival

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Joseph ........ Joseph ............. JOSEPH!!

Huh what!! Joseph jumped up in his seat out of surprise he then looked up to see Jr standing over him.
Come on get up we're finally getting off the plane! Jr said.

wait what really already!? Yeah you must have slept through the rest of the flight Jr responded.

You two better haul ass cause I am so ready to get off this fucking plane! Cody yelled. Yeah yeah ok Joseph said as he groggily got out of his seat and grabbed his luggage out of the compartment above him and began to make his way out of the plane with the rest of his friends. When they got off the plane they were met with the other 8 students who were allowed on this trip standing with the teacher as chives the butler explained the rules to them.

Once we leave the airport you will follow me and your teacher through the city in a single file line and you are absolutely forbidden from wandering off. we will first be heading towards a ryokan hotel that master Richard has exclusively paid for so make sure you be respectful as it is quite expensive. once there we will check out your rooms and sleep there for the night. then we will give you a tour of all the famous landmarks of this city as well as a few restaurants after you exchange the spending money you brought with you for yen the Japanese currency understood? Yes sir the class said.

Jr's POV

We all made it out of the airport and began to make our way towards the hotel chives mentioned. everyone was at awe taking in their surroundings however I was to busy fighting with my anxiety to join them I was still thinking about dad and what would he say once I got back. And right after that thought my phone began to buzz in my pants pocket and when I took it out my heart sunk to the floor. I was looking at multiple Miss calls and unread texts all from dad so I just shoved my phone back into my pocket and just ignored it.

Eventually we arrived at the hotel we will be staying at for the rest of the trip and it was not what I was expecting instead of one big hotel it looked like a small town of big hotels It was huge.

Eventually we arrived at the hotel we will be staying at for the rest of the trip and it was not what I was expecting instead of one big hotel it looked like a small town of big hotels It was huge

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Wow. I gasped as we began to walk inside. and Jackie chu started making our room reservations and luckily we got to choose who we could share our rooms with I chose Joseph Cody and Richard (duh) and everyone else choose to stay with their friends while Jackie chu and chives had their own separate rooms.

Once we made it to our rooms we took off our shoes as per the signs instructions. What the hell is this Cody said holding up a Japanese robe of some kind. Um I think it's called a Yukata? I think we're supposed to change into that I responded ok but um do we change in the bathroom or? Joseph asked yeah we're supposed to take turns I think. Richard said. Alright so who's going first I asked. Joseph then perked up cody!? I just realized we've never seen the top of your head head before!
Oh yeah I we never have! cody's first then I gleamed. what no! no! no! Hell no! I'm not changing! Cody yelled. come on Cody please do it. No! please?! no! I'm not changing and that's final! Cody yelled so then i had no choice but to take out my ultimate Trump card. Pwwwweeeeeessseee!!! I said with the best puppy dog eyes I could manage. Cody blushed for a second as he looked completely stumped But!- but! ........ Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck Cody groaned as he took the clothes and headed to the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. Did that actually work I questioned. our questions will finally be answered Joseph whispered while Richard was on his phone not giving a single fuck about what was going on.
A few minutes pass by and we can hear Cody cursing on the other side of the door untill finally it opened. .....

Ta-da!! Cody said sarcastically as me and Joseph stood there dumbfounded but probably not for the same reasons not only was there nothing covering Cody's head anymore he was also showing a noticeable sized portion of his chest

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Ta-da!! Cody said sarcastically as me and Joseph stood there dumbfounded but probably not for the same reasons not only was there nothing covering Cody's head anymore he was also showing a noticeable sized portion of his chest.
Which I was starring at for a while until Joseph spoke up. Dude you have hair!? Yeah so!? Cody yelled twirling a strand between his fingers. But- but you look fine!? Why do you always cover your head!? Cody seemed to blush a little bit well you know I hate combing it so it's always messy so I just find it easier to wear a hood. Cody responded. Well if you all are gonna keep talking I'm gonna go change next Richard said as he made his way into the bathroom as Cody went to one of the cabinets in the room took out a blanket and a futon and plopped them on the floor and then sat down and went on his phone pretending not to notice us. But unfortunately for him when he sat down his yakuta slid down slightly causing his bare shoulder to become exposed. I gluped down lump in my throat and began to stutter s-so um Cody what's with the whole? I said while gesturing to my chest. Cody sighed and said I didn't know how to get this stupid thing on right so I just said fuck it before I made it worse. Oh I see I responded well you look good I said blushing like crazy. Cody seemed to have got the memo because a devilish smirk appeared on his face and what he did next was something I was not prepared for. he freaking moaned he did the loudest most sensual hentai moan ever. My face had been overtaken with a deep shade of red as my heart began to pound against my chest. Cody burst out laughing at my discomfort along with Joseph.
CODY!!!! I yelled as i pounced on him in rage. Richard then stepped out of the bathroom are you two fucking already!? He shouted which caught me by surprise as I then began to take notice of the position we were in. wow Jr I never realized you were into me like this Cody teased I then immediately jumped off of Cody and cupped my face in my hands out of sheer intense embarrassment as everyone in the room began to laugh at my expense.

Time skip Cody's POV

It was 10:00 pm everyone else was asleep however I did enough napping on the way here so I wasn't exactly tired. I glanced over at Jr he had his phone on his face as a result of him playing games on it all night. we are gonna tour around Japan for tommorow so he might want to take pictures of the places we visit so I grabbed his phone so I could plug it in on the charger. But once I grabbed the phone Jr squirmed a bit in his sleep causing the blanket to slide of him a bit as well as his yakuta not only exposing his chest but also......

Are those bruises?

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