class fight

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Yesterday afternoon

Cody's pov

I was about to go home after my uneventful but slightly eventful walk until this weird girl stopped me and is now talking to me. I think? she's is talking way to fast for me to actually understand her not like I made an effort to understand her anyway but whatevs  after a while she stopped anyway.

And that's why I'm here! She finished hmmm ok but this whole thing still raises one question. Oh and what would that be? She asked, who the hell are you!!?? What I already introduced myself did you not listen?! I'm sorry but you speak like a squirrel on crack sped up to 50 percent speed so yeah I couldn't understand a single word but then again I usually try to block out the noise of people who piss me off so maybe it's just me. Oh the girl paused oooookk well I'm sorry this happens sometimes when I get to excited and so I just spit out all my words as fast as possible.

Cody then sighed. It's fine just start from the beginning slowly this time ok? cody said in an irritated tone. Ok let me start with my introduction I am penelope future paranormal specialist and the reason I'm here is because this device I have picked up on a huge blast of magical energy so I started tracking it I lost track of the signal a few times but I was finally able to get a hold of it and I think its coming from you. Wait huge blast of magic? she must have been talking about the headache flashes cody thought. Cody's eyes then widened in shock

judging by your face I assume you know what I'm talking about which means my machine was a success!! Yes! I actually picked up on an even bigger blast of magic two days ago at night but it went away to fast for me to track would you happen to know about that too? Oh back at jrs house when I was fighting bowser I thought to myself.

Ok Pennywise cody started. oh um it's. Actually penelop- did you make a machine that not only scans magic energy but also traces it!? Well yeah it's not like it was very hard for me to do I'm a future paranormal specialist after all. Im going to kill you said cody as his eyes flashed with war flashbacks of him trying to recreate the same device.
What!? Don't say such scary stuff especially after you saved me. Look peanut I didn't save you I couldn't care less if you lived or died or at least back then cause now if what your saying is true then that means you can help me. Penelope paused help with what? Penelope asked skeptically. I need you to help my find someone and it may or may not be magic related you in?

Penelope then paused for a bit ok I'll help you with whatever you need but in return you have to let me study your magic it's different than any kind I've ever seen before and there is so much of it!! I need to study it! Ok a favor for a favor that is something I can get behind ok penetration. it's penelope! Whatever let's just shake on it as a sign of a new partnership or whatever cody then held out his hand penelope paused but then eventually she took his hand and shook it.

Present day
Jrs pov

OH SHIT IM LATE!!! I ran around my room frantically searching for my clothes at break neck speed. Why did I stay up until 3 o'clock pm playing Pokemon?! Once I threw on my clothes a red shirt with a black zipped up hoodie red jeans and red converse shoes I then ran out of my room and into the kitchen I then quickly gulped down my breakfast that chef pee pee made me before he went to work almost choking to death in the process and then ran out the door

I was then running to school at blinding speed. I can't believe I'm late Im already on thin ice with the school as it is as after japan I can't get into anymore trouble while I was running I saw a person in front of me but I was moving to fast to slow down so I ended up tripping over my own feet and me and the stranger went tumbling down the sidewalk.

Oh my god I'm so sor- ROY!!!?? I shouted as I quickly got off of him and took a few steps back the black haired boy then got up and brushed himself off. he then turned to me with a seductive shark toothed grin as he began to speak hello baby. do not call me that we're threw remember why are you even over here this is kinda far from your place isn't I said coldly. Don't look at me like that I came to see you baby I just wanted to see how you were doing. After all this time? I asked roy then began to walk towards me as he took my chin in his hand and kissed me his breath was just how I remembered it it tasted like strawberry's and alcohol and yet so hypnotic.

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