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Joseph's POV
It's been a week since the whole ghost insadent I still have nightmares about that night and my parents were still pissed that I "took the car out on a joy ride without their permission". But on the bright side Jr and Cody are getting discharged from the hospital today I wanted us all to hangout at jrs like we usually did so I got up got dressed and ran out the door. I was wearing a black hoodie over a green basketball jersey a green snapback hat, jeans and Jordans normally I would just drive over there but since my car is totaled i had to call an Uber but nevertheless I got there and I was pretty excited to finally see them again after a full week it was so boring at school without them and I couldn't visit them because I was grounded plus I didn't want to be there just in case their family's were visiting because according to the story I made up I was technically the one who crashed the car. I went inside the building and walked up to the front desk. hi my name is Katie what can I do for you the woman said. oh um I'm here to meet up Bowser Jr and Cody I was told they're being discharged today I told the woman. She started to type something into her computer and then she perked up and smiled at me oh they are being discharged today (yeah I just said that.) wait here in the lobby for a few minutes they should be out shortly she said. Oh um ok then I replied I walked towards an empty chair I spotted and sat down I took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram and a few minutes later Joseph!!!!! Jr screamed as he tackle hugged me while I was in the chair scaring the living shit out of me but I was to happy to scold him. Jr your ok ?! Yep back to full health. That's great I responded. Oh yeah I'm fine to Joseph thank you for asking. Woah Cody!? Um Sorry I was so distracted by Jr I didn't notice you. ....ouch Cody said sarcastically. No you know what I meant God. Hehehe Yeah don't worry I do now can we get out of here I'm fucking sick of this place Cody said. Yeah fine let's go I said as I began to get out of my chair we were almost at the door before Cody grabbed us both by the shoulders and turned us around so we could face him. Listen up both of you are never allowed to speak of that night ever again and if you do i will murder you both are we clear Cody said in an almost threatening tone uuuuummm yeah we responded. Ok cool now who's hungry Cody said casually like he didn't just threaten us a few seconds ago and with that we were out of the door ready for whatever the world would throw at us next. you know it's funny I thought that was the craziest night we were ever going to have and boy were we wrong but that's a story for another time.

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