Ch 22: Scatter-Brained

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"Well, that went apocalyptically awful." Ray commented with a sigh the legends all boarding the waverider once more.

"Don't have to tell me." Jax agreed rolling the paper he'd taken from Rip in his hands.

Sara pointed to Nate and Amaya. "You two start checking records, find Rips mug shot and see where he got taken."

"On it." They chorused splitting off to go to the library.

"I can help them." Clarity told Sara tapping Ray's shoulder to be set down.

"No, you are going to the medbay. You got shot." Sara replied and tapped Ray's other shoulder to signal that he should still carry her.

"Sara, I'm fine." Clarity insisted. Ray still carrying her, not that he minded at 120 pounds she wasn't all that heavy for him. Though he did wish he would stop getting mixed signals. "I don't have to go to the medbay. The blast didn't even burn me. It just got my shirt."

"It doesn't matter if it burned you or not. Whatever you got hit with is affecting your powers. Gideon needs to scan you and figure out what's wrong." Sara told her. "Rip can wait til you're checked out."

"That guy isn't Rip. His electrical signature is completely different." Clarity said, looking at one of her hands. "He could just be Rip's ancestor."

"You don't know that for sure." Ray pointed out. "He could have found a way to mask it somehow."

"But why would he mask it? Does he not want us to find him?" Clarity wondered as Ray took her to the medbay, everyone following and filing into the room. Mick, Nate, Amaya, and Stein the only ones not present. Ray setting her down into the second medbay chair because Clarity didn't like the first one.

"Don't know, but whether it's him or not the legion of doom is after him. We gotta protect him." Jax insisted putting the cuff over Claritys wrist.

"Gideon, Clarity got hit with something. Check her out and see what's wrong." Sara ordered the Ai.

"Right away." Gideon answered beginning the scanning process.

"Sara, nothing is wrong with me. I'm telling you I feel completely-"

"Oh dear." Gideon remarked after a few seconds of scanning.

"...fine?" Clarity asked her statement coming out like a question not expecting that reaction from the Ai. "Gid, what is it? Is something wrong?"

"A brief scan of your system indicates that the weapon you were struck with has drawn the electrons in your body to the outer surface level of your skin." Gideon answered.

"Oh my god." Ray's eyes widened at the news.

"What? Is that bad?" Sara asked in confusion arms crossed over her chest.

"Yeah, it-it's um, it's really bad." Clarity answered sitting up in the medbay chair. "I naturally give off positrons like all the time. When I use my powers my positron production increases significantly."

"How significantly are we talking?" Jax asked from where he stood arms crossed. Playing with the rolled up paper he'd stolen from Rip.

"About triple the rate at rest, I think. It's been a while since I've checked my production levels." Clarity replied pulling off the denim flowered gloves she wore. Biting at one of her nails.

"Okay, but why are more positrons bad?" Jax asked completely lost.

"Normally they aren't, typically they don't hurt anything, but now I have an electron field bubbled around me." Clarity frowned at the medbay screen scan.

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