Ch 17: Clarity's Missing Hours

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Woohoo! Here's chapter 17!! Sorry, I know it's been a little bit of a wait but I had finals to work on and to study for. One was seven hours long, yeah you read that right seven, it was insane, but now I'm free! And after giving my brain a much needed rest I'm back to writing Glitch once again.

Oh also, also and this is highly important this chapter includes a trigger warning. I don't think I get too graphic with any scenes, I think I tend to keep this book pg 13 if I had to give it a rating, but Thawne does...a lot to Clarity, things get rather intense and I'd rather be safe than sorry and warn you all about it now.

So without further ado.... you have been warned, let the trauma begin😈.


"Uh, who is that?" Malcolm Merlyn pointed a finger to Clarity pausing in his knife sharpening. He'd just been recruited by the Speedster, brought to the vanishing point with Damien Dhark. Eobard walking into the remains of the vanishing point which now acted as their hide out. Clarity held bridal style in his arms, the Reverse Flash taking care to cradle her head with his arm so it wasn't just hanging in the air. The cowl of his suit already down across his back.

"Even better question, what is she doing here?" Damien Dhark spoke up eyes calculating. "I don't know how you do things in the future but in my century the whole point of having a secret lair is to keep it secret."

"Relax, Damien, our present state of residence is secure you have my word." Eobard replied.

"But not our package." Malcolm noted setting his knife down. "Which it would seem you have failed to retrieve. Unless, I've lost my eye sight as well as my hand."

"Yes, that reminds me. I thought you were out to snatch our amulet back from those so called legends and instead you come back with the woman who almost nabbed me in the park back in DC." Damien narrowed his eyes. "The one you were so sure was going to ruin my entire plan that you came up with a separate one just to get her out of the way."

"Their ship wasn't idling as it should have been. An unforeseeable change to the timeline occurred, one which I didn't anticipate. Fate's tricky, and time is fickle. There are changes which are still rippling through history, through time, throughout every era except here," Eobard explained to the other two. "But in finding out that information, an opportunity presented itself to me that I could not refuse."

"And what opportunity might that be?" Malcolm asked, carefully eyeing the unconscious Clarity in his arms. "To the victor goes the spoils, but it seems to me that you haven't won anything yet. That's why you brought me into the picture isn't it?"

"Which is why I'm going to ask again." Damien spoke up taking a step towards Thawne as the Speedster wasn't taking her to the torture room they'd set up instead heading in the direction of his own personal quarters. "What is she doing here?"

"All in due time gentlemen. For now, she is neither of your concerns." Eobard replied, not even sparing the two a glance as he walked to the lavish bedroom he had made for himself in the vanishing point setting Clarity down on the silken sheets. Turning away from them both to stare out the door, chin lifted as if daring the two to come any closer to the room, to Clarity. The two stared back at him, uneasy.

"Don't disturb us." Eobard gave one final command and clicked the door shut, locking it for good measure. The room he had salvaged for himself used to be used for torture so it was already sound proofed. He had no need to worry of anybody walking in with the locks he had repaired, and for good measure he'd already installed camera's in all four corners of the room, recording everything.

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