Ch 21: Can't Catch a Break

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Here's chapter 21!! This'll probably be the last update of 2020! So I hope you all have a good New Years!


"Sara," Clarity limped over to the assassin's bed having just glitched into the blonde's room

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"Sara," Clarity limped over to the assassin's bed having just glitched into the blonde's room. Her leg had been healed quite a bit by Gideon in the medbay, just enough that the glitch had no need for crutches or a cast. Though it had dulled to an ache which Clarity could deal with."S-Sara.." Clarity stuttered shaking her awake. However what she couldn't deal with was the creeping feeling that she wasn't safe. She couldn't shut her eyes. Not alone in her room, which is why she found herself invading Sara's.

"Ugh, what is that noise?" Sara complained pillow going over her head. "Clarity, turn it off and go back to bed, Pachirisu. You can handle it."

"Nate's um, playing music... I asked him to turn it lower already, he switched from the waverider speakers to a boom box, I'm not sure it helped, but that's...that's not why I'm here." Clarity admitted lifting the pillow from Sara's head peaking under it. The assassin looking at her with one eye open the other scrunched closed. Sara looking beyond tired. "I Uh, I don't feel safe in my room, well I mean I don't feel safe anywhere right now actually but.... I don't trust my powers to keep my door shut while I'm sleeping and um, at-at first I was gonna go to Mick, but he sleeps in the nude and Thawne pulled me out of his arms and..." Clarity sighed. "..and you don't care. Anyways um I was wondering if it'd be okay if I slept here...with you. Just...just for tonight um, unless that offers off the table."

When she didn't get an immediate reply from Sara she back pedaled. "This-this was stupid, i'm stupid, go back to sleep,  I'm sorry-" Clarity turned away, but Sara grabbed her wrist hand sliding down to her hand. Squeezing it.

"Stop saying sorry. You aren't stupid, I'm just tired." Sara told her. "Come here." The Assassin slid over, turning on a bedside light just for Clarity. Sara helping her into the bed, getting her all tucked in. "Leg okay?"

"Mhm, fine." Clarity hummed getting comfy rolling onto her side snuggling under the blanket. "Thanks."

"Good, now go to sleep, Clarity." Sara smiled getting comfortable once more.

"Is that an order, Captain?" Clarity breathed shutting her eyes.

"It is and if you defy it I'm gonna screw you into next week."

Clarity's eyes shot open. "What?"

"What?" Sara asked in reply.

"I-What did you say?"

"I said go to sleep." Sara replied peaking an eye open to study her. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. Just more tired than I thought. You'll stay on your side? Yeah?"

Sara cracked a smile. "Do I need to build a pillow wall between us?"

"No, I trust you, though actually maybe yes? Better I accidentally burn pillows than you. It's my powers I don't trust.."

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