The Intros

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Martin Stein

The Time Masters were an organization charged with protecting history from rogue time travelers, but they were destroyed. Under the leadership of Rip Hunter we have taken up their mantle. Sara Lance, former member of the League of Assassins, Clarity Springs... The Glitch, Dr. Raymond Palmer... The Atom, The Thieving Mastermind ... Leonard Snart, Todd Rice ... Obsidian, The Arsonist... Mick Rory, and Firestorm... The merged super form of Jefferson Jackson and myself, Martin Stein. We are the only ones left to protect history. We are The Legends of Tomorrow.

Sara Lance

My name is Sara Lance. Last year, a former Time Master named Rip Hunter recruited a team of heroes and villains to save the world, and we did, but in the process we destroyed the Time Masters. Now we've taken up their mantle of protecting the timeline from time criminals. We are no longer saving the world. We are saving history.

Dr. Nate Heywood

Time travel is real, and all of history is vulnerable to attack by rogue time travelers. But one group travels throughout time to stop the spread of these so-called time aberrations and erase their damage to history. A group of outcasts and misfits, these individuals aren't heroes. They're something else. They're Legends.

Jefferson "Jax" Jackson,  Amaya Jiwe,   Ray Palmer,  (They're all the same for these three. I checked. 😱)

Time travel is real, and all of history is vulnerable to attack. Which is why we must travel through time to stop the spread of these so-called "time aberrations" and to erase their damage to history. We are a team of outcasts and misfits, so please don't call us heroes we're legends.

Mick Rory

Seriously. You idiots haven't figured this out by now? It all started when we blew up the time pigs- the Time Masters. Now history's all screwed up, and it's up to us to un-screw it up. But half the time we screw things up even worse. So, don't call us heroes. We're something else. We're legends. Who writes this crap, anyway?

Leonard Snart

Last year a former member of the time masters, Rip Hunter recruited us to stop a very bad man doing some very bad things, plot twist it was the time masters, the goody goody law men of time who were the real villains all along. Now we're tasked with doing the job they left behind since we blew up those controlling puppeteers, you're welcome. My name is Leonard Snart, others know me by Captain Cold, but make no mistake. I'm no hero and neither are the rest of the crew I'm running with. We are Legends.

Todd Rice

My name is Todd Rice alias Obsidian. I am a former member of the Justice Society of America. About 6 months ago, a man by the name of Rip Hunter came to the year 1944 in search of my teammate Amelia Pond whose real name we learned was Clarity Springs. I joined my teammate in her mission to vanquish Vandal Savage, an immortal dictator, but taking down his allies the time masters left the timeline exposed for attack. Now, we fight together to protect it. Don't mistake us for soldiers. We are Legends.

Clarity Springs

Rip Hunter, a former time master, recruited 8 others, and myself to help stop Vandal Savage. We travelled in his timeship, the Waverider, at least that's what he calls it, but we all know it's a Tardis. The mission went fine for 6 months, until I got stuck in the 40's with amnesia for 2 years, but then Rip recruited me from the 40's again, and my JSA teammate Todd came along for the ride. We defeated Vandal Savage, in doing so we also defeated the time masters, who were controlling our lives. That's just like time travelers from the future isn't it? Without anyone else to protect the timeline we are the only ones that stand between it and total chaos. Well, the chaos we don't cause ourselves. We may not be good enough to be heroes, but we're great enough to be legends.

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