Ch 20: Beyond Absolution

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"This whole Capone aberration was a distraction. Darhk and his speedster pal knew it'd attract our attention." Nate stated the obvious sitting on the stairs, him Ray and Jax just got back to the ship. Mick, Amaya and Clarity having just been summoned to the bridge to hear the bad news.

"I told you it was too easy at the docks." Clarity hugged herself. Why hadn't she gone out there? Why had she stayed on the ship? Now both Sara and Stein were captured by Dhark and...She couldn't even think his name. If she did she felt like she'd throw up. Why them? Wouldn't he try to take her? Unless he was using Stein and Sara to get to her. Yes, of course that was it. He wanted her back so he took them.

"But why kidnap Sara and Stein? I mean, what could he want with them?" Jax asked walking into the room carrying a long silver case.

"Still trying to work that one out." Ray admitted walking towards the console.

"To try to get to me." Clarity guessed, voicing her thoughts from a mere moment ago crossing her arms. "They're bait."

"You?" Amaya asked in confusion. "Why would they try to get to you?"

"Yeah, that was a pretty quick conclusion." Nate frowned. "Don't you mean get to us? As in the whole team?"

"No, I mean just me. I-" Clarity hesitated, taking a shaking breath. "I didn't glitch myself to the time vault, I mean I did, but I didn't go straight there. Truth is between the time I went missing after that bomb went off and when I was found I don't know entirely know what happened. I have no memory of it."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Ray frowned, having no idea how much Clarity had left out of that recount.

"I didn't want to wreck the celebration and then this aberration popped up. I can't remember anything concrete. But I do know I was taken, taken by the speedster and...I've been getting this feeling like I've been being watched almost everywhere we go. He wants me back, he's trying to lure me out whoever he is..." Clarity told a half truth not yet ready to tell her friends the whole story. Maybe she never would be. It was bad enough Sara did know.

"We're not gonna let him get anyone else. I don't care who he is." Jax slammed the silver case open. "You should stay on the ship if he's after you too. We can handle the rescue. We aren't giving this son of a bitch anything he wants."

"You all right, Jax?" Amaya asked circling around the console arms crossed over her chest.

"I'm pissed." Jax replied as if that wasn't obvious from his case handling. "If he took Clarity and she got away that means he's taken three of us. That's three too many. We lost Rip after we got time scattered we aren't losing anyone else. I'm sick of losing people."

"Let it go, kid." Mick told him from where he sat in the Captains chair. "There's nothing you can do about the speedsters. Tell him, Sparky. You worked side by side with Red for awhile."

"Speedsters, are incredibly fast in everything they do. It's not just them moving and running it's thinking too. We have no way to effectively slow him, I.." Clarity bit her lip shaking her head. "I don't know what chance we have."

"Speedsters generate lightning when they run. Can't you just control his?" Amaya asked. "Use his own power against him."

"No, he's already expecting that and even then I-I can't get a grip on it. A speedsters lightning is like generated from this thing called the speedforce, and when a speedster runs it like summons it? Kind of like a lightning sweat, which I honestly can't explain, but point is it moves faster than normal lightning. I can only touch Barry's because he lets me. He purposefully slows himself down for a second, and the times he doesn't I only get lucky or absorb what he throws at me. I can't compete with a speedsters well...speed."

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