Ch 23: Too Close for comfort (the real one this time)

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Okay so once again this chapter gets pretty freaking dark. As such there's gonna be a trigger warning. I repeat TRIGGER WARNING Rape gets talked about. You've been warned. on with the chapter. Hope you enjoy the trauma.


Clarity swung her purse at Malcolm, knocking his prosthetic hand right into his face. The force of the swing knocking him off his feet.
Clarity sprinted as fast as her legs could carry her. Skirting around Merlyn just out of Darhks reach bolting for the ship. She threw her purse at him knocking the gun out of his hand sending it sliding away. Though that stopped him from shooting her with that gun he seemed intent to snatch her. Darhk was right behind her. Sara was right she couldn't fight him, if she could just outrun him, get to the ship. She felt his fingertips brush against her back. She urged her legs to go faster, they were already screaming at her from running up all those stairs but she pushed herself anyways because she had to.

She threw herself over the rail leaping off the building. Arms outstretched as she dove for the open hanger doors. Sara was reaching out a hand to help her, catch her maybe if she couldn't clear the distance. The assassin's other hand throwing knives at Damien with precise accuracy. To slow him down, help her somehow. Sara's fingertips brushed Claritys, blue eyes locking. Clarity thought she was in the clear, only to feel a hand reach out and circle around the back of her bra using it like a handle. Damien's hand fisted into the back of her shirt. The villain yanking her back with all his might throwing her onto the rooftop. Clarity rolling across the ground with a cry of pain. Back and head hitting the metal railing with a clang. Both Malcolm and Damien stepping on her back to hold her down as they raised their guns.

"Clarity!" Sara yelled her name, about to jump down then and there, but Malcolm was already shooting into the cargo bay. Sara having no choice but to brace and find some cover or get shot. Stein and Jax couldn't merge, Nate steeled up just a bit too late and was lying unconcsious. Everyone else on another part of the ship.

Clarity looked up at the ship, her friends pinned down by the blasts. The cargo bay getting riddled with scorch marks. She could hear Malcolm and Darhk laughing to themselves. They were enjoying this... they were having fun trying to hurt them. She couldn't glitch, if she used her lightning her positrons would collide with the electrons. She would only end up hurting herself. There was nothing she could do. She was caught, her friends were getting shot at and it was all her fault.

Amaya vaulted herself off the top of the waverider, the 40's hero smart enough to realize the cargo bay was no longer a viable exit. Gideon having informed her that the team needed assistance. She'd crawled out the jumpship doors, invisible as her chameleon Ashe allowed. She made the leap flipping and rolling until she came into a standing position. She landed on the roof of the building summoning the Ashe of a gorilla which roared in anger. Amaya threw both Darhk and Merlyn in opposite directions smacking them both with so much force it was likely they'd have cracked ribs. She scooped Clarity up and summoned the Ashe of a kangaroo jumping back to the ship.

"Gideon, I've got her! Go!" Amaya ordered, Gideon shutting the cargo bay door the waverider flying off time jumping away. Amaya setting her down everyone else getting up from their covered positions.

"Well, that went well wouldn't you say?" Stein remarked.

"Nothing like getting shot at by assassins." Jax agreed rubbing at a scorch mark. "This baby's gonna need some polishing up again."

"Everyone alright?" Sara looked around at everyone.

Nate held up a thumbs up from where he lied on the floor unharmed. "Peachy keen, Captain."

"Good." Sara nodded turning her attention to the rest of the team. "Mick get Rip to the medbay so Gideon can scan him. Ray, professor, you're both coming too. Let's see if we can figure out what's going on with him."

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