Ch 19: Ignorance isn't Bliss

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"Okay." Ray groaned having just been slammed into the floor by Nate. "New suit's good, but I think it needs those modifications Cisco mentioned."

"It's a poor hero to blame a super suit." Nate protested steeling down offering Ray a hand.

"Eh, exoskeleton." Ray corrected getting into a fighting stance once more. "Come on, let's do this. I wanna get the kinks worked out before our next mission."

"What's the rush?" Nate asked. "I think I'm doing a pretty good job picking up your slack. Clarity's too. You saw me in the old west."

"We scientists have a name for that phenomenon. It's called beginner's luck." Ray replied. "Don't forget you got shot there."

"Ooh, yeah, but I stopped a train." Nate replied the two about to resume their spar when Sara interrupted them.

"Hey!" Sara yelled walking into the Cargobay Jax at her side. "What do you think you're doing? Clarity's trying to rest and you two are making one hell of a racket. These halls echo, keep it down. I don't want her disturbed."

"Uh, s... sparring." Nate stuttered out. "But we shouldn't have to dial down our moves cause of her. She literally told me she's too good to train with me so I'm done waiting around for her. I'm a fightin machine." Nate threw a few air punches in front of him.

"Yeah, he's helping me calibrate the new suit since Clarity said she wasn't up for it." Ray told her. "Besides someone's got to train him and sparring is the best way."

"Last time y'all decided to spar, you wrecked my cargo bay."Jax objected, looking between the two wondering if both their iq's had dropped or something. The cargobay wasn't a training space.

"Yeah." Nate laughed looking to Ray for a high five.

"Hey!" Sara berated voice raised once more. "That's not something to be proud of. You stranded yourselves and Clarity in Japan and caused a whole mess of things to go wrong."

"Yeah, but then we made them go right." Ray did a double thumbs up grinning at Sara. "And Claritys aberration was arguably worse than ours. Myths are wicked important to some cultures."

"Ugh." Sara groaned as she looked between the two boys. "If Clarity tells me she can't rest because you two are making too much noise the both of you are done. I mean it. Don't make me come down here again."With that said she departed the cargo bay with Jax.

"Don't you make me come down here again. I'm gonna come down here again, I'm watching you." Ray and Nate mimicked Sara together mocking her in goofy voices.

"Hey!" Sara gave one last yell pointing at them disapprovingly with a glare as she returned. "Don't test me, I may be a reformed assassin but I know where you two sleep and I have skills the both of you would rather go your whole lives not knowing. Keep. It. Down." Sara turned heading back down the hall to Jax.

"What is going on with them?" Jax asked as Sara caught up to him once more.

"You don't have any brothers or sisters, do you?" Sara asked Jax, side eyeing him as they walked.

"Nope." Jax replied hands shoved in his pockets lightly shaking his head.

"Sibling rivalry. Nothing to be too worried about." Sara sighed as she heard a loud crash. The boom reverberating across the ship. "As long as the ship stays in one piece."

"This is why I'm glad I'm an only child." Jax snickered to himself.

"Speaking of only children I'm going to go see how Clarity's doing." Sara told him veering away from Jax walking down the waverider halls until she reached Claritys room. She raised her hand to knock on the door pausing as Gideon spoke to her.

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