Ch 9: Zombination pt 1

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Ack! Sorry, sorry late again I know I'm terrible but a few days late isn't so bad is it? Better than a month!! So anyways, here's chapter 9 enjoy reading about the Glitch version of the half of the abomination episode!! Chapter 10 will cover the other half, and I'll include an update schedule (that I will hopefully be able to stick to)  in chapter 10!! Okay here we go!!

Enjoy! (I know I'm not technically on time but I believe that my schedule is helping me. What do you guys think?)

Oh also Happy day before Halloween!!! Oh! And a happy late birthday to @nik_figuierido


"I can't risk putting any more lives in danger. And neither can you. Which is why you'll keep what I'm about to tell you a secret. Even from the rest of your team. A war is coming, Captain Hunter.-" Jax got up from his seat on the stairs, shutting the message from future Barry off. Martin was sat in a clear rolling chair, arms crossed as he tried to make sense of the message.

Meanwhile, Clarity, who could have just as easily sat in the other rolling chair in the room next to Martin, elected to seat herself on the square glass coffee table instead. Her homemade pink and blue galaxy skinny jeans clinging to her legs as she sat criss cross on the white square. It was too easy for her to imagine Rip sitting in one of those wheely chairs, polishing guns and weapons in here. Plotting some kind of dastardly plan, not that Clarity had any idea what that plan might be or if she was even right that he had been pulling an Eobard. Point is, Clarity didn't want to sit where he sat and considering how many times he'd told her 'his desk wasn't a chair' she figured sitting on the tiny coffee table was something Rip wouldn't do. Besides, she didn't feel like spinning around all that much today. The discovery of this secret weighing her down, not because keeping it was hard, but because it gave her deja vu in the worst way.

"How many times are we gonna listen to this message from Future Barry?" Jax asked as he turned to face the other two

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"How many times are we gonna listen to this message from Future Barry?" Jax asked as he turned to face the other two.

"Until it make sense." Stein replied Jax's own aggravation intermingling with his own.

"So, forever is basically what you're saying." Jax crossed his arms in disapproval and looked to Clarity. "C'mon, Clarity, back me up here. You know this isn't solving anything."

"It's not forever," Clarity protested looking up from her lap. "It's until we find Rip and he can explain...all of this, but..." She turned to Stein. "Jax is right. We've already listened to this message a thousand times today alone. The only thing it's doing now is driving us all crazy with possibilities because we are never getting any real definitive answers from it. Even if we draw our own conclusions we aren't going to know for sure if they're right. Not until we can confront Rip about the room, the message, everything. He promised no more lies. He promised and he just..." Clarity trailed off nails dug into her jeans. Little wisps of electricity striking up and down her arms.

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