Ch 31: Love is Doomed Pt 2

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Okay so two things:

First thing...I lied this is only the second to last chapter. Too much happened and things were getting too long for my tastes. Didn't want to cram anything. Plus there was something very not comfy feeling about ending on 31 and not 32. So now the books gonna end next chapter and it'll be a better finale for it.

And secondly before I start off this almost final chapter I have a tiny little rant to make and I'm sorry for this burst of negativity I like to keep things positive but do you ever read a legends of tomorrow fanfic and your reading and then it hits you that all the character does is steal Sara's lines and copy her actions? So it's just like Sara's totally in love with herself but with different facial features and a different family it's kind of like Sara dating herself from a different earth if you think about it and it just kind of enrages me?? Granted it's kind of my fault for going hunting for a good season 2 legends fanfic to read but I genuinely do not understand the point of creating a legends of tomorrow fanfic where your ORIGINAL character is not in fact very original? Is creating dialogue that hard? Really? Like am I the only one who finds Sara copy's totally boring as all hell? We already have a Sara! We're even already gonna have two in this final episode! What's the point of shipping another character with an oc if they're just Sara with dyed hair and a different superhero costume? Just dye Sara's hair and have it be a Sara Lance x whatever canon character. Y'all boring.

Okay rant over. Sorry not sorry.



Sara pulled the trigger just as Mick, Nate, Ray, Amaya, and Snart came bursting through the front door. All of them had their memories returned. The bullet flew through Clarity's head her blood splattering against the blue cabinets. Head falling into the bowl of sugar Claritys blood coloring the white substance a sickly red.

"Sara stop don't-!!" Amaya had yelled just a second too late, the blonde's head snapped to the totemless woman. Rory shot her in the head with the memory gun before she could turn her gun on them. Sara dropped her gun, it fell out of her hand with a clatter, her head snapped to Clarity's lifeless form. That stone cold doomworld facade shattered in an instant, the blonde muffling a sob filled scream into her hands as she took a few steps back from her, hands starting to shake. What had she done..?

"Oh man..." Nate's hands went behind his head staring at Clarity's unmoving body.

"Maybe...maybe we can still save the baby." Ray suggested quickly. "She'd...she'd want that at least..."

"Baby?" Nate looked to him. "Wait I just thought she let herself go-"

"Too late for the kid. He'd get erased anyways." Mick denied. "Best just let the squirt go too. I need to find booze lots of it."

"Sara...." Snart started slowly towards her hesitant. The assassin had pulled Clarity from her chair and was cradling her head to her chest. "...we have to get out of here. Thawne'll be home soon." But the Assassin didn't seem to hear him.

"Clarity stop messing glitched, you always glitch through bullets, your-your faking." Tears fell from Sara's eyes. Because really the glitch wasn't faking at all. Sara'd killed her. What kind of a monster kills the woman they love? How could she kill her? She loved her. She couldn't be dead and yet...she was. "I know your upset with me for not coming sooner. But I'm sorry pachirisu I'm sorry...I-I'm here. I'm right here just...just come back. You you still haven't said it. You have to say it you haven't...Clarity tell me you love me too. Tell me you love me, Clarity. I love you please don't...don't be..."

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