Ch 8: Flickers

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"In the end, there was only one, a single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release. And finally the darkness broke, filling it with life... With the multiverse-"

"-Arrowverse, or more accurately the Oliverse-"

"Who else is speaking? I'm narrating, don't ruin it." The disembodied voice of Oliver Queen resounded throughout the white space. A woman who sounded much like a one miss Clarity Springs having interjected. "As I was saying, every universe multiplied by possibility-"

The words Earth 2 flashed and an image of 5 teenagers walking in front of a giant robot was shown. At the right edge was a girl in a black cat suit, at the left edge there was a boy or possibly even a girl, hard to tell judging by the costume, goggles covering their eyes. In front of cat suit girl just off center was a boy in green with a yellow hooded cape, an hourglass around his neck. Next to him stood a blonde with a glowing golden staff clutched in her hands. In the center was a girl with ginger hair white lightning crackling in her eyes, hands, and across the lightning bolt choker around her neck.

"This is where I cut in, no one's here for the whole multiverse speech." The voice similar to Claritys drowned out Oliver's narration. "Hello, My name is Amelia Pond, but you can call me Amy. When Oliver created this new multiverse he created new earths. On earth 2 the JSA was returned, reformed with people from across the old multiverse. Individuals from different earths now living on a single one with no memory of it ever being any different. I was once a figment of the imagination of Clarity Springs, a persona created when amnesia clouded her true identity, but now on this new earth 2 there has only ever been me. Amy. I was born, I lived my life, and my story's coming to a close and so, a new Flicker must carry on my Legacy. Let's go find one shall we?"


Okay, okay at this point you've probably realized this isn't a real chapter, well at least not one for this story. What you've just read is the summary to a new story I'm writing. "What story?" You must be thinking. Well, my dear readers this past weekend I binge watched the entirety of Stargirl and naturally I've decided to write a sort of spinoff story to Glitch on the new earth 2 created after crisis.

It's called SG's Justice Society of America: Flicker

And it follows a teen, Zira Phale, becoming the new Flicker on earth 2

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And it follows a teen, Zira Phale, becoming the new Flicker on earth 2.

It's published with the intro chapter so feel free to add it to your library if you so desire to!

So basically, this was simply a glorified authors note to you all in disguise. I would have titled this as a real authors note chapter but let's be real people ignore the crap out of those so I had to be sneaky. Hope you forgive me for dashing your hopes, but to make it up to you Glitch 2 will be updating on Saturday at midnight not one but two chapters!! (Yes I know I'm behind on those Monday updates) It'll be a double update! 10,000 + words in total isn't that exciting!!!?? And I'll have another update out on Monday morning at 10:30 am. That's three glitch updates coming soon!!

Now before you go I have a few questions because would any Glitch chapter (even if this was a fake out) be complete without questions? I don't think so.

0. Who are you shipping Clarity with? What are things that you can imagine Clarity doing with them? I wanna know!!

1. Do you think Clarity would be a good cook or a bad cook? Why do you think this?

2. What are some things about Clarity that make her relatable to you?

3. In what ways would you like to see Clarity grow moving forwards? And why?

4. Think you'll read my flicker story? Yes or no and why?

5. What was the moment that made you fall in love with the Glitch series?

6. Do you have any good legend fanfic stories to recommend reading? If so, what are they?

7. What do you think would be a good theme song for Clarity?

8. Who would you like to see Clarity interact with more and why?

9. Would you rather read a story where three people are in a happy loving relationship together or a love triangle where one person gets their heartbroken? And why?

10. What do you think is going to happen when Clarity meets Kara in the invasion crossover?

11. Would you like Clarity to get a new supersuit in the invasion crossover? Yes, or no and why?

12. What season do you think is Clarity's favorite? Fall, Spring, Winter or Summer? and why?

13. Do you think I can finish book 2 by february like I originally planned earlier in the summer?

14. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant and or tell me!

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