Chapter 22

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I wasn't sure where Mum was, when I got home, because she wasn't in her room, and there was no response when I shouted her name. She might've gone to do some food shopping, but I was knackered to the point where I just plopped on the sofa, and fell asleep as soon as my head lay on the cushion. 

The next morning I woke up, I found myself still on the sofa, with my outdoor clothes on from yesterday. I didn't change them. The only thing that was different, was that I had a blanket placed on top of me. I yawned as I got up and stretched as unattractively as I did, and headed to the kitchen as soon as I had heard my stomach rumble. 

Mum was in the kitchen, sitting at the dining table, and eating a whole English breakfast to herself. She looked up when she heard me enter, and swallowed some juice down before she said, "Morning sweetie, don't worry, I made you the same food. It's in the microwave, and I'm sure it's still warm." I smiled brightly at her, and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, before I padded along the floor eagerly towards the microwave.

After I finished about half of the food on my plate, Mum asked, "So where were you yesterday? I assumed you were with Rose, but she said you weren't when I asked her." I debated, mentally, on whether it would be better if I told where I was yesterday, or not. Sighing, I concluded that I would tell her, even though I told myself I would, but she was my Mum after all, and I wanted to ask her about Jenny and when she worked at the labs, "I went to visit someone." 

Mum nodded slowly, "Anyone I know?" "Yes actually I think you might know," I started, "I went to visit a relative, Jenny Stone, precisely." I observed Mum, to see if she would have any sort of reaction that would confirm that she knew her, but all I got was a look of confusion, "Jenny Stone?" "Mhmm, she's your husband's sister." I stated simply. "Wait, you mean Jennifer?" She queried almost cautiously. "Uh...yeah." I said, I hoped we were talking about the same person, which we probably were, since Dad only had one sister, according to his file. Jenny was maybe just a shorter name for Jennifer, that did make sense. 

"O-oh how come?" Mum looked like she was getting nervous. "Well I just wanted to visit a relative that I never knew existed, for the first time," I told her, "She mentioned something about you - she mentioned that you used to work in the labs, like she did, and I'm sure you know exactly which labs I'm talking about." "Yes i do know, and I'm sorry I ever told you this, but why is that so important and bad to you?" "It's not bad, it's- it's..." It was bad, because it was the cause of Dad's death. The only reasons I worked in C.O.D.E labs, was because I wanted to find solid proof that they caused it, and who the main murderer was, but I didn't want to tell Mum that, "I don't know, forget it." I said eventually.

"Lexi, if you want to talk about anything, I'm here for you, just like I've always been," Mum said softly and then clapped her hands, "now, if you don't mind, I need to go do some shopping. Mainly food shopping, but I'll stop by a few stores to buy some clothes too. You wanna come?"

"Nah, not today. Im still a bit tired from yesterday anyways. Plus I've still got to change." I said to her, and it was all true. "That's fine, Gracie is going to accompany me though. I'm not sure about Rose." Gracie, was Rose's Mum, and a very good and close friend of my Mums, just like Rose was a good friend of mine. "Let me just grab my shoes and handbag, and then I'll get going." 

She went upstairs quickly, and came back down, with her bag a few moments later, and then placed on her shoes, "Bye!" She yelled, as she left the house. As soon as she left, I felt a headache beginning to form, but it wasn't too bad.

I walked upstairs, and went straight to my bedroom; since I wasn't going to good out, I decided that I would wear one of my large hoodies and my favourite sky-blue coloured cotton shorts. As I walked towards my bathroom, I could feel something watching me through my bedroom window, which sent nervous chills into my body. My headache, seemed to be getting more painful, almost like a migraine. I wasn't sure what it was, but my main focus was on whatever was watching me. I tiptoed slowly towards the side of the window, and took a deep breath, before I half-peeked out of it. 

Although it took a few minutes to notice him, I caught a glimpse of a man standing besides a silver car, that was parked opposite the house, seeming as though he was going to enter it. But every minute or so, he glanced at the house, my bedroom window in particular, for a few seconds and the looked away. My heart beat increased when I recognised him, as the man that was watching me and Tori, when we were sitting in the McDonalds booth, after we had been bowling. 

I moved away from the window, and ran downstairs to make sure that every door and window was locked, as a caution. Once I felt safer, I went back upstairs to the bathroom, to freshen up. By now, my headache was ready to kill me, and I was starting to feel dizzy. I started to lose consciousness, after I got out of the bathroom, but I managed to get to my room, and on the bed, before I fully lost consciousness, and blacked out. 


That was a shorter chapter, but I wanted to end the chapter with a cliffhanger.

IT'S 2021!!! 

I watched the London fireworks (I'm British) and they were soooooo cool, especially the lit up drones. 

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Have a great 2021✌🏻️

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