Chapter 4

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"Bye Tori, I'll see you tomorrow!" I waved to her as I shut my apartment door; turns out, Tori lives on the floor above me. It was roughly eight thirty, and I needed a quick plan to get to the bottom floors. Since all the hallway lights were off, I decided that wearing black clothes would be best, however, I needed to do something about the cameras. 


"Daddy, all my sweets and candies are gone! I left them at the bottom of the pantry in an orange box and now they are gone! I was going to share them with Rose in the morning, so I put them there last night!" My seven year old self cried to my dad.

"Sweetheart, it's ok, I'll buy you extra sweeties tomorrow, so you can give some to Rose in school, yeah?" I giggled, knowing that I wasn't allowed to have sweets in school, but daddy was letting me.

"Okay, but how will I know who took them?" I asked 

Dad sighed, "I'll show you my special camera room, where we can find out who took them?" He picked me up and took me to his study room.

Inside, he showed me some cameras and footage.

"I'll show you some special tricks that you can do, ok? But you have to promise you won't do them, unless you are in danger." he said

"I pwomise daddy!" and he showed me different things about cameras. He told me how to use them, how to hack them as well as how to disable them secretly. 

Flashback finished

In the end, it was Rose who took them, we had a sleepover at my house that day, but I forgave her (after she gave me a load of sweets)

The fact that my dad taught me something so complicated at a young age, now had me contemplating on whether he was in some kind of danger at that point in his life. So I'm guessing he showed me those things for my safety? 

I checked the time, it was five to nine, I guess I spent a while looking at my memories. I had to leave after at least ten minutes after nine, in case anyone was still around, although I doubted that. 

I got dressed into a pair of black, skinny jeans, with a black tshirt, and then put on a black leather jacket. I put on some black combat boots, that I found in one of my suitcases, when I unpacked. I put my hair into a ponytail and placed a black cap on my head, and made sure that I put a screwdriver, a pocketknife and my badge into my jeans pocket, knowing that they would all come in handy.

I looked at the time once again and it was now five past ten, time to get the show on the road. 

I scanned my apartment carefully, my eyes landing on a silver coloured vent, that was inside the walk-in closet, above the bag section. I smirked, bingo!

After a couple of minutes of unscrewing, I managed to squeeze my body into the space and doing some kind of human slithering, to move forwards. At one point, I came across two turns, left or right. 

I just followed my instincts and went right, and then heard a 'ping' from a nearby lift coming from the same direction I was going towards, and then I heard the lift moving down, probably a security guard. Tori did say that some of the security guards stay around the security system floor, so it's probably one of them.

I moved all the way until there was another one of the vent entrances, and managed to get it opened quickly, to find the elevator moving down. Using the ropes attached to the elevator, I used it to climb swiftly on to the top of it, and found another vent, big enough for me to go through. Perks of going to kick-boxing lessons, you learn how to move swiftly and fast. 

I could see the person inside because of the small gaps of the vent and it turns out, it was a guard. I began unscrewing the screws, with the screw driver I brought along, and finished just in time for when the lift stopped. The good thing about these elevators was that the doors of it stayed open for a good few extra seconds than a normal lift, giving me more than enough time to jump into the elevator, check the floor I was on and go out after the guard, without him noticing.

It was dark on every floor, apart from this one. Weirdly enough, this floor didn't have any cameras, but it had two doors at the end. I didn't see which door the security guard went in, so I went towards both doors, which had a badge scanner on one, and the other was locked by key. 

I leaned my ear against the badge scanner door, and heard distant talking and typing behind it, which meant that this was the room that has the security system, with all the camera footage and that kind of stuff.

Then I put my ear against the second door, but I couldn't hear any kind of chatter, so I knew that I would need to see what was in there, as it was on the security floor. Taking my badge out of its plastic cover, I bent one of the smaller sides. Placing it in the miniature gap between the door and wall, I slid it down, whilst pushing the door, and allowing it to be opened. 

Inside were lots of wires and plugs, probably for the security system, and in simple terms, it was exactly what I was looking for. My dad taught me that I needed to cut the red wires in a CCTV camera, or the main section where the wires of cameras where kept. This would allow a person to move in an area where there are cameras, without being noticed, as the cctv cameras would only show the area, not the person walking through. (A.N: the whole cutting wires in a camera is completely wrong and is not true. Idk if there are even three red wires in a camera, I just made it up. I don't want people to go get their cctv cameras, and open it up and cut red wires, only to find that doing that was useless and you just massacred your camera for no reason)

After putting my badge away, I found seven red wires, so I cut all of them, hoping that they were just for different type of cameras around the building.

Then I went back to the elevator, and pressed the last button on it.

Restricted floor, here I come...


Man, that took longer than expected to write, oh well!

So it turns out, there will be a special character in the NEXT CHAPTER!!!

I can't wait

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's me screaming btw

I have decided that I will be able to UPDATE EVERY TWO DAYS cuz I have school and stuff like that 




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