Chapter Six: He Gives Me Butterflies

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(A/N) Hey guys, sorry for the silence. Decided to take a break during Christmas. Here is the next chapter. I hope everyone has a good and safe Hogmanay! Bring on 2021!

Bliadhna Mhath Ùr!
Happy New Year!

:) xxx

Silver is constantly clock watching. Gold is metting him after his shift. 2nd date as Gold has dubbed it. Silver can feel a pit in his stomach. He's slightly nervous but there's something else... Is Silver.... excited? That worries Silver. That's a dangerous feeling for him. Anytime he's excited, it just leads to disappointment. He knows that if he's excited about something, then something is going to go wrong.

"Oh! It's almost time!" Susanna says ruffling Silver's hair.

Silver brushes her hand away grumbling which made her giggle.

"You like him and he likes you!" She sings.

Silver just rolls his eyes, trying to hide a smile.


5:30pm has come and Silver is collecting his things to meet Gold outside. He says his goodbyes to Susanna who responded with a wink and now Silver is waiting (not eagerly though) outside waiting.

Silver checks the time on his phone. It's 5:41pm. Gold still hasn't arrived. Silver keeps looking round, trying to find him. There's no sign of him. Maybe he's running late. That's plausible. They didn't exchange numbers though, so, he can't contact him.

~See? I warned you! I told you this was all a joke. I repeatedly said that there's no way he'd have any interest in you! You're such a loser!~

Silver clenched his fists. Damn that internal voice. It's right.

~He's laughing at you as we speak. He's laughing knowing that you fell fo~ "SILVER!" a voice shouted.

Silver looks at the distance and sees Gold waving like an idiot running towards him.
Gold reaches Silver, struggling for breath.

"I'm so sorry, Silver! Class ran late and then I missed the metro by a split second, then I realised that I didn't have your number so, I decided to just run for it!"

"You... ran all the way here?"

"Yeah! I didn't want to be late... Well, I didn't want to be more late!" Gold chuckles rubbing the back of his head.

'He ran all the way here.' Silver thinks to himself as a smile cracks in his face.

"Is that a smile I see?" Gold teases.

"Shut up!" Silver snarls.

Gold just laughs. "OK! Let's go!" He declares grabbing Silvers arm.

Silver's heart starts beating faster. He liked Gold's hand on his arm. It felt... nice.

The pair are walking down the street. The shops are still busy with people, restaurants filled with laughter and smell of food, unphased by the setting sun.

Gold isn't holding onto Silvers arm anymore but Gold was walking close to Silver, and that gave him butterflies.

They head into a bookshop. Silver hasn't been in this bookshop before but Gold really wanted to go saying that it has a great Manga section. So, of course, Silver was interested to see what they had on offer.

Gold looks excitedly at the shelves. A few "ooh's" and "wow's" escaping his mouth. Silver just rolls his eyes. An excitable child.

"Silver, look!" Gold says excitedly as he pulls a book off the shelf. He hands it to Silver who is looking curiously at the cover.

"My Little Doggy?" Silver says with confusion.

"It's a cute story. He's a dog groomer who can see the souls of dogs in human form and he looks after one of his client's dogs while they're in hospital and it turns out the dog is actually a werewolf, but his dog form is a chihuahua"

"Eh?" Silver questions, even more confused.

"Seriously! Give it a read. It's cute!" Gold insists.

Silver chuckles. It sounds like a weird story. "Alright. I'll get it." He shrugs. Gold winks giving a thumbs up.

After browsing and buying a couple of books. The pair head back into the street. It's still super busy. You wouldn't think it was only a Thursday night. The sunlight is fading and the night is slowly taking over and the crowds have no plan of thinning.

"You hungry?" Gold asks, to which Silver nods. "Let's get something to eat then!" Gold cheers. Silver laughs to himself. Gold gets excited over everything.

They decide to just go to McDonald's. Cheap and cheerful as they say.
Silver feels more comfortable with Gold. Although, it could be Stockholm Syndrome.

Either way, Silver was feeling... calmer. Gold's energy just made his worries melt away. His internal voice remained silent, he isn't feeling depressed, or shameful. He's actually happy.

After their meal, the pair decide that they'll need to part ways. Gold has to do some studying and has classes tomorrow morning. However, he is inisistant that he walks Silver to the train station, despite Silvers objections.

Standing at the ticket gates, the pair face each other. Gold has a huge smile on his face.

"I had a great time today! Thank you for agreeing to meet me today, twice. I enjoyed our 2 dates!" Gold laughs.

'Great time? Thank you? Enjoyed?' - Silver's heart thumps.

"I-I had a great time too!" Silver eventually responded.

"So..." Gold starts. Doing that nervous tick he has where he taps his two index fingers together. "Can we meet for our 3rd date?"

'3rd date? I can't remember the last time I had a 3rd date with a guy' - He thinks to himself.


"Saturday night? Dinner and then go to the cinema?"

"Yeah, I'd like that!" Silver responds meekly.

Gold lets out a little cheer. He takes his phone out and hands it to Silver. "Put your number in so, we can keep in touch and avoid what happened today" He laughs.

Silver inputs his number and hands the phone back.

Suddenly, Gold reaches over and hugs Silver tightly. Silver is stunned. He can't believe what is happening. The heat, the smell of his aftershave, his embrace. It's not something Silver is use to feeling. He likes it though. He brings his arms round Gold, which made Gold squeeze tighter.

They pull away from the hug and say their goodbyes. Gold waves Silver off as he walks through the ticket gates and heads for the train.


Silver eventually gets home. His Mother greets him, asks how his day was and why he decided to stay late. Silver decides not to say anything about Gold. He wants to avoid unnecessary questions. Besides, he knows that his Mother would say something to ruin his good mood and he doesn't want his happy feeling to go away.

He lies down onto his bed, thinking about everything that happened today. Today was a good day.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, he takes it out and sees a text from a new number.

"Did you get home OK? X"

Silver just lays there. A huge smile is on his face....

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now