Chapter Thirty: The Last Stand [Final]

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*Knock Knock*

"Silver?" The voice says.

"Hi Mum." Silver responds.

"Come in." His Mum responds.

The two go into the livingroom and sit opposite each other. There's an awkward atmosphere. His mum decides to make tea. Perhaps to give her an excuse to leave the room. Silver is feeling quite nervous. He is quite short on time, but he needs to confront his Mother. He needs to get everything off his chest and hopefully rebuild the relationship. Of course, in the wider hopes that it may help with Gold.

His Mother returns with two cups of tea. They both take a sip of tea hoping that it will provide a bit of courage.

"Silver... I'm sorry!" His Mum suddenly says.

"What?" Silver responds shocked.

"Everything you wrote in your were right. You're 26, you're old enough to make your own decisions. If you're happy with Gold then I should not have stood in the way. I should not have said anything. I don't why I did. I just...can't explain. All I can say is that I'm sorry."

Silver has no idea how to react. He half expected him needing to start but he's quite surprised. Normally she's extremely stubborn and doesn't apologise for anything.

"Well...I'm sorry too. I think there were issues that I ignored because I didn't want to cause an argument or anything..." Silver responds.

"Well...let's talk about it now." His Mum offers.

The pair talk it out. His Mum listening to everything Silver has to say. After getting it all out, the pair decide to try and rebuild their relationship. His Mum wants to meet Gold again. Properly this time. They hug it out.

He walks out into the back garden. Meganium greets him with major enthusiasm. Silver hugs her.

"I've missed you! Have you been behaving?" He asks jokingly.

Meganium grunts in response.

"I need your help, Meganium." Silver says with sudden seriousness. "I've messed up with Gold and I need your help to fix it."

Meganium just stares at him.

"Will you help me?"


Meganium and Swampert are glaring at each other. Both knowing what's at stake.

"Meganium VS. Swampert! This is the final round! BEGIN THE MATCH!"

"This is it! Let's show them what we've got! Meganium! Use Magical Leaf!" Silver commands as the final round goes into full swing.

"Swampert! Counter it with Mud Shot!" Neil shouts.

Swampert uses Mud Shot which collides with the Magical Leaf attack heading straight for him. The collision causes the mud to burst, but some leaves manage to break through and hit Swampert causing him to wince.

"Just because you have the type advantage, doesn't guarantee you the win, Silver!" Neil taunts. "Let's show them how we nullify that! Use Ice Beam!"

Swampert shoots out Ice Beam which hurls towards Meganium.
"Use Protect!" Silver yells.

Meganium brings up a forcefield, protecting herself from the attack.

Gold watches intently as these two men and their Pokémon are, well, essentially battling for his affection. He watches Silver as he expertly works with his Pokémon. It reminds him of the Silver 6 years ago. The way he battles with such confidence and pure passion. It brings back all those memories. The moment where he fell in love for the first time.

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now