Chapter Four: Awk! Seriously!?

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Silver is leaning against the counter at work. There are loads of people shopping but no ones at the concession where he works. Which suits him fine. He has no patience for people today. He is still thinking about the events of Sunday. The whole thing is still annoying him, 4 days later.

"Here you go, misery guts!" Susanna jokes placing a toffee nut latte in front of his face.


Susanna just laughs, leaning against the counter drinking her own latte.

"You gonna tell what's up with you?"


"I'm not spending all day with you while you have a face like a skelped backside!" Susanna huffs.

"Then don't!" Silver responds.

"Guess you don't want the latte then?" Picking it up.

"No no no! I want it!" Silver pleads.

"Then cheer up a little!"

Silver rolled his eyes. "Fine!" standing up straighter, taking a sip. Silver let out a calming sigh. He loves a toffee nut latte. Another one of the small good things that he feels he can actually enjoy.

"By the way, a guy has been coming in the past couple of days looking for you."

"What guy?"

"No idea. He was asking everyone which concession you worked at and then looked disappointed when I told him you weren't here"

"And you didn't think to get his name!? Or call the police for that matter!?"

"......Nah! I thought it'd be more fun this way."

Silver looks at Susanna with complete distain.

"Is he....a lover of sorts?" Susanna asks with a wink.

"Don't be stupid!"

She just laughs. "Well, he was cute, and seemed quite determined to find you. Maybe he should be." Winking again.

"What converts this conversation into over?... Look! A customer! Go do something!" Silver commands.

"Here! I'm the manager!" Susanna laughs as she approaches the customer.

Silver decides to try and be useful. Who's the guy though? Who'd be looking for him? It's obviously something bad.


"Silver!" Susanna interrupts while poking him in the arm.

"Stop that!" Silver barks slapping her hand away.

"That guy is back! His ears must've been burning." She says pointing to the other side of the shop floor.

Silver quickly looks over. Interested and a little scared. His eyes suddenly widen as he realises who it is.

"Gold!?" He exclaims.

"Ah! You do know him!?" Susanna cheers.

"Shut up! I'm going to hide! Don't tell him I'm here!"

"SILVER!" Gold screams from across the shopfloor, waving his hand excitedly in the air. Other shoppers stop to look at the boy shouting and waving like a lunatic.

'Damn!' Silver thinks to himself.

"Don't think you can hide now." Susanna says with a smirk, watching Gold run towards the counter.

Gold reaches the counter. A huge smile on his face. Silver hated that.

"Yay! Finally! I found you!"

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now