Chapter Nine: He Makes The Pain Go Away

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The pair are still kneeling on the ground embraced. Gold doesn't say a word, he just continues to embrace Silver as he cries. He doesn't care how long Silver needs, he's going to stay put until Silver is ready. Gold feels a little guilty though. Silver has always came across as a strong, independent, doesn't need anyone kind of person. However, witnessing Silver's vulnerability makes Gold like him even more. He just wants to take care of him. He's waited so long for his chance. This scene has not changed how he feels.

Silver's cries have reduced to whimpering. He continues to hold Gold tightly. He feels embarrassed for completely breaking down. He feels embarrassed that Gold witnessed it, but, he's glad Gold is here. He's glad that Gold is being as comforting as he is. He's starting to see the nurturing side of Gold, and Silver really likes it. His head is still leaning against Gold's chest. Silver can hear Gold's heart beating. It's actually relaxing. He just listens to the steady heartbeat and tries to calm himself down, using Gold's heartbeat as a benchmark. Silver takes in a deep breath. Breaths out. Breaths in. Breaths out.

After a few deep breaths, Silver has managed to bring back his composure. He lightly lifts his head off of Gold's chest and looks eye level with Gold. Gold smiles brightly at him.

"You feeling a little better?" Gold asks.

Silver lightly nods. Still feeling a little embarrassed. "I'm sorry..."

Gold looks at him, a confused look is on his face. "Why are you sorry?"

"I've completely ruined our evening. I completely broke down and it was a stupid reason. I've embarrassed you. You really shouldn't date me. You should date someone more... Stable".

Gold just looks at him and shakes his head: "Don't be silly! You didn't ruin anything. I'll be honest, I kind of liked seeing you being vulnerable." Gold says with a guilty look on his face.

Silver turns his head away.

Gold starts to snicker: "You got all worked up when I was talking to those girls."

"So?" Silver scoffs.

"You know what that means... You were jealous!" Gold giggles.

Silver looks back at him in horror: "No I wasn't!"

"You were! You were jealous! That's so cute!" Gold says now in fits of laughter.

"Shut up, idiot!" Silver instructs as he picks himself up.

"You're not denying it! You were jealous!" Gold jibes, standing up.

Silver crosses his arms and looks away. Gold stops laughing and leans over to meet Silver's face.

"OK! I'll stop. All I'll say is you've nothing to worry about. OK?"

Silver nods.

"Come on! Let's go somewhere else." Gold says.

"No, it's OK."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, the food looks good and I'm hungry." Silver insists.

Gold just smiles. He takes Silver's hand and the pair walk back into the restaurant. Silver still feels embarrassed, but he's determined to walk back in like nothing happened. He knows that people are going to be looking at him and talking about him but he feels that with Gold by his side, he can cope with that. Gold's fingers intertwined with his feels so much nicer than he had thought. He would've pulled his hand away, but, he doesn't want to. It feels nice.

As though all the pain has suddenly been washed away...

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now