Chapter Twenty One: A Dream Come True

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Gold opens his eyes. The sun shining through the curtains, lighting up the room. He calmly looks around him, reminding him that he slept in the livingroom instead of his bed. He looks over to see Silver tucked into his arms. A dream come true. Of course, not the ideal circumstances for it to happen but, Gold can't help but smile. This is what he wants. This is what he has wanted for years.

But, there is that slight concern. Gold knows that it takes longer for Silver to say how he feels. He understands that it's quite difficult for Silver to express his feelings. But, he just wishes that Silver would open up a bit more. They did discuss this before but, Gold isn't really seeing much of a difference. Yes, it takes time. Yes, he has to be patient but, it still hurts a little. It's tiring having to to carry the burden all the time. Even more so when Silver doesn't talk to him. They don't discuss things. Gold may need to force the issue. Soon.

It's painful feeling this way. He doesn't want to. He doesn't want to be doubtful. He's waited and hoped for so long. Of course, it's just not the ideal circumstances, and all things worth having are not easy to attain. Gold can hold on for a little longer. Maybe with them living together, it might make a difference. This will be a different environment. Hopefully, a happier environment.

Gold sighs. He doesn't want to move but he needs to get ready for class. But, it's so comfortable. But he has to go. He can't miss class.

With sheer reluctance, Gold starts to slowly move, trying not to disturb Silver. Slowly pulling his arm out from under Silver. With that, comes a groan and a moan. Silver shuffles and squirms. He rolls over and drapes his right arm over Gold:

"No baby, don't go...." Silver mumbles.

Gold shrieks.

Silver's eyes bat open at the shriek: "What was that?"

"N-Nothing.... I mean.... Morning!" Gold stutters.

Silver smiles. "Morning!" He says sitting up from the bed. Giving off a big yawn and stretching. He looks at Gold with a smile, but also with a sense of embarrassment. He's embarrassed that Gold heard him cry but...glad that Gold came to comfort him.

There's a moment of silence. The pair stare at each other. A quaint smile on both their faces.

"I'll need to get ready. I have classes today." Gold interrupts.

"Oh of course! I can't believe I forget about that. See! I'm completely disrupting your life!"

"No! Don't be silly. I invited you here. I want you to be here. Please don't ever think otherwise!" Gold insists.

Silver just nods.
Gold exits the bathroom. Washed and ready for the day. He can hear Silver clattering around in the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen, he can see Silver wrapping some food and placing it into a box. He looks over at Gold and smiles.

"I hope you don't mind. I thought I'd prepare some lunch for you." He says with a grin.

"That's amazing! Thank you so much!" Gold exclaims. It's so sweet. "So, what are your plans for today then?"

Silver thinks for a minute. "Well, nothing. I have no plans today. I guess I'll wander around the city until you finish classes."

"You don't need to do that if you don't want to." Gold says. "This is your home now, you're free to come and go as you wish. Ah..." He stops to walk over to a drawer and takes out a key: "Can't go very far without your own key." He giggles handing it over to him.

"Are you sure?" Silver asks hesitantly.

"Of course. I told you. This is your home now!" Gold smiles. "Oh! I better go! I'm going to be late!" He says collecting his bag and heading towards the door.

Silver walks over to him and hands him a lunchbox: "Have a good day!" Silver says planting a kiss onto Gold's lips.

Gold smiles with a slight hint of embarrassment. He wasn't expecting that.

He walks out of the flat. As soon as the door is firmly closed, he does a little victory dance. Silver kissed him on the mouth. A great start to the morning.

Silver converts the bed back into a couch and sits down with a cup of tea. He's reflecting on the weekends events. He knew his mum would react in the way she did. He shouldn't be surprised. It still hurts though. Part of him still feels that he's being a burden on Gold but he does know that he'll be happier here and Gold insists that he's not being a burden.

Either way, this was the best thing that Silver needed to do. He needed to leave that environment.

He feels a little different this morning. He really liked them sleeping in the same bed. He liked Gold holding him while they slept. He felt safe. He felt secure. He felt loved.

Loved...a new feeling. Is this what it's liked to be loved by someone? Is Silver starting to feel what he thought was impossible?

There's still a long way to go, but, maybe, hopefully, this is the start of happier times.

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now