Christmas Message 2020!

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This is not a chapter. I decided to write this message incase I don't write the next chapter in time.

This Christmas is going to be very different and even more than ever, we need to stick to the rules. To protect ourselves, and our loved ones. I don't know the rules for other countries but to my UK readers:

England - If you live in London, or the South East of England, you're in Tier 4. You are in lockdown. Please follow the advice. DO NOT LEAVE! No household mixing and remember that there is no Christmas relaxation period anymore. The rest of England is only allowed a Christmas bubble on Christmas Day Only!

Wales - As of Sunday 20th, you are in lockdown. I don't know how long it's for or what the specific restrictions are but please check them and please follow them. As far as I'm aware, you are allowed your Christmas bubble on Christmas Day Only!

Northern Ireland - You are allowed your Christmas bubble on Christmas Day Only! Please also remember that you will be going into a 6 week lockdown from midnight on Boxing Day.

Scotland - Nicola Sturgeon has told us that we are allowed to have our Christmas bubble on Christmas Day Only! It is now illegal to travel across the border into England during this time. There is a bigger Police presence at the Scottish/English border. DO NOT ATTEMPT IT! DO NOT RISK IT! Also remember that from midnight on Boxing Day, Mainland Scotland will be placed in Level 4 for 3 weeks.

Look I know I sound like a broken record. I know we're all tired and fed up and pissed off, but, we really need to stick with it. People being selfish by breaking the rules and twisting them is the reason why these restrictions keep being imposed.

We really need to come together again and beat this virus together.

I don't know what the political message is in the rest of the UK so, I'll use the Scottish Government's message.


Face coverings
Avoid crowded spaces
Clean your hands regularly
Two metre distancing
Self isolate and book a test

Stopping the spread, starts with all of us

Together we can beat this!

Stay Safe and have a wonderful Christmas! :) xxx

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