Chapter Eleven: Where It Started

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I've been waiting for my chance with Silver for a long time. I have had these feelings that are really hard to describe for so long. Only those that have experienced these feelings can understand. I will not waste this opportunity...

It all started when I saw a video of him on YouTube 6 years ago.


"Absolutely incredible! Silver's Sneasal seemed like it's back was against the wall but it managed to push back against Flareon! Silver was meant to be at a disadvantage but he managed to guide Sneasal through it to win the match! Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic! I applaud Silver's battling skills and of course Sneasal. What a battle...!"

A 13 year old Gold watched in amazement. Stars in his eyes, giddy with excitement.

"Wow! Silver is so cool. Sneasal is amazing. Wow wow wow!" He cheers.

Gold is so excited. This is an important year for him. He's taking part in the Johto Championships this year. He's competing with a couple of his friends but he's not holding back. He wants to win. He's been training really hard. Juggling school, training and the Gym Challenge, Gold is determined to have it all and he's on course to achieving that.

It's lunchtime. Gold is sitting at a table to the lunch hall, looking at videos and reading articles in his phone.

"What you doing?" Came a voice from behind.

"Oh hey, Crystal!" Gold responds as she takes a seat beside him.

"You looking at that Silver again?" She chuckles. "You're obsessed with him"

"I'm not obsessed with him!" Gold insists.

"You like him! He's all you talk about!"

"No... I don't!" Gold claims while turning red in embarrassment.

Crystal just laughs.

"I would love to battle him though"

Gold continues to train, study and compete in the Gym Challenge. He wants to ensure he has all 8 eight badges before the Johto Championships. It would give him good experience and a good standing.

Crystal still makes jokes that he's in love with Silver. Gold has accepted that maybe he does have feelings for him. Completely insane that he's got feelings for a stranger. These kinds of feelings aren't new. He's accepted for a couple of years now that he's gay. He came out last year, and luckily was completely accepted for it so, encountered no difficulties.

He does think that Silver is quite attractive. He likes his confidence. He seems really smart and of course a great trainer. Obviously, there's a 6 year age difference so, nothing would happen. But... Gold thinks it would be pretty great. Now, it's silly of course to think of such things. They've never met. Silver doesn't even know who Gold is and Gold only knows of Silver through articles and battle videos. He's this years "it" trainer. They think he could go all the way.

No matter how Gold feels, he wants to win. He wants to win the Championship.

Gold now has his 8 badges, just in time for the Championship. Continuing to watch Silver's progress and is delighted that he too is definitely competing this year.

Gold and his Typhlosion are watching Silver's recent match against Clair. Gold is always amazed at how Silver always keeps his cool. He always keeps it together. He likes how Silver runs his hand through his scarlet red hair, just before making a decisive move. That thought made him blush.

"...and there you have it. Silver has achieved a decisive victory against Clair, achieving him his 8th and final gym badge, giving him his one way ticket to the Johto Championship 2014. This is going to be exciting..."

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now