Chapter Ten: A 3rd Date To Remember

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The date continues as if nothing happened. Silver's embarrassment slowly disappears. Gold constantly reasurring him. The pair eat and enjoy their meals. Silver ordered Vermilion style noodles with seaweed in a salty broth. Gold ordered Celadon tofu curry. Both meals absolutely delicious.

After finishing their meals, they head to the cinema to watch a film together. After a bit of hummin' an' hawin', and quite a lot of "I don't mind, what do you want to watch?" (from both sides), they settle on a comedy film. They buy sweets at the concession stand and take a seat in the cinema.

It's not very busy. The room is huge and has loads of seats, but it's not packed. So, people have taken advantage of that by spreading out so there is some privacy. The pair have taken seats on the far right of the room. Plenty of space.

The lights start to dim and as the adverts play, the frantic sound of rustling erupts. Everyone wanting to open all their bags of sweets and crisps to ensure not to disrupt the film for other people. The lights of phone screens brightening the room as people check that their phones are on silent.

The film eventually starts to everyone's delight. Silver and Gold poised, ready to be entertained. Silver stares intently at the screen enjoying the snacks he'd purchased. He suddenly feels Gold's arm wrap round him. It makes Silver feel numb, but he really likes it. It makes him feel nice, which isn't a feeling he has very often. Not fighting it, he leans his head onto Gold's shoulder who lightly tightens his grip and lightly leans his head on Silver. Both boys are smiling. They're both happy.

They maintain that position throughout the entire film, neither wanting to move and disrupt the moment. After the film finishes, the pair head back into the streets. It's now 11pm and the streets are still busy. It is Saturday night after all. Many shops and restaurants are still open. Bars are full of punters and the nightclubs are starting to open.

Silver decides that it's getting late and that he should maybe head home before the last train leaves at midnight.

Gold doesn't want the night to end yet. He would've happily gone to a club and let Silver stay at his flat but he knows that he might feel quite uncomfortable and doesn't want to rush him. Slow and steady steps. He's content at being allowed to hold Silver's hand as they walk to the train station. Silver still feels tingly and numb at the warmth of Gold's hand. His instincts would tell him to pull his hand away. Don't show weakness! Don't show vulnerability! You'll only get hurt!

But... Silver doesn't want to let go.

They reach the train station. It's bustling with people, workers heading home, groups of friends and couples arriving to start their night out.

Gold and Silver look at each other. As though unsure what to do now.

"I really enjoyed tonight." Gold started.

"Seriously? Even after my breakdown?"

"A minor snag." Gold giggled. "I still say it was a successful 3rd date"

Silver's face went red with embarrassment which made Gold smile even more.

"I better go through the barriers and get my train." Silver eventually says.

"Text me when you get home!" Gold instructs.

Silver nods in compliance.

"We'll meet for date number 4 very soon" Gold says with a wink.

"Dork!" Silver scoffs.

"Yep!" Gold laughs.

Gold leans over and kisses Silver's cheek. This makes Silver blush as he turns to walk towards the barriers.

"Bye!" Silver says. Gold smiles brightly.

After going through the barriers, he turns round to see Gold waving excitedly.

"Bye Silver!" He shouts. Silver just waves and smiles.


Silver arrives home. Greeted by Scizor, Sneasal and Umbreon, excited of Silver's return. His mum is staying at her boyfriends so, he has the house to himself. He kneels down to pet Sneasal and Umbreon, yelping their joy. Silver produced a calming sigh. He suddenly feels his phone vibrate in his pocket:

"Are you home yet? :) Xxx"

Silver smiled involuntarily. He can't help it. His Pokémon noticed this. He looked up at Scizor and smiled again.

"I think I really like him!"


I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now