Chapter Twenty Seven: Hard Truths

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"Silver, what's wrong? You've been completely silent all day!" Susanna says breaking the awkward silence that has been going on all day.

"Somethings going on with Gold." Silver replies.

"Like what?" Susanna asks knowing full well what he means.

"I don't know. It was like he was trying to tell me something last night but didn't seem to get the words out. I couldn't understand what it was he was trying to say."

"Did you press him on it?" Susanna asks.

"No." Silver answers.

Susanna rolls her eyes. "Then what happened?"

"Well, I woke up this morning and he was already up. He was quite hostile. He yelled at me, which is something he's never done before. It was so unlike him." Silver continues.

"Did you talk to him?" She asked.

"Well, I did ask what was wrong but he completely went bolistic at me and stormed out." He finishes.

Rolling her eyes again, Susanna let's out a groan of frustration.

"So, what do you think?" Silver asks.

"Moron!" She answers.

"That's a bit a harsh, I wouldn't say he was a moron." Silver defends.

"NOT HIM! YOU!" Susanna shouts. Everyone turning to look at them in shock.

"What?" Silver asks shocked.

"He was needing to talk to you about something. You should've asked him. You should've pressed him on it!" Susanna whines.

"It didn't look like it was any of my business." Silver responds in defence.

"He's your boyfriend! Of course it's your business! You're a moron!" Susanna yells in frustration.

Silver is shocked and he's trying not to get upset. "Susanna! What's going on?"

"You! You're what's going on! Gold came to speak to me yesterday." Susanna admits.

"Why did he come and speak to you!?" Silver asks quite surprised.

"Because he has no one else to talk to. You're clearly not there for him. So, he obviously can't talk to you." Susanna says pointing her judgemental finger at him.

"Of course he can talk to me."

"He can't! It's obvious he can't talk to you. You basically blew him off last night and this morning when you could clearly see he was upset about something!"

"Well, what's wrong with him then?" Silver asks in frustration.

"Well, realistically, he should be the one telling you, but I'm going to tell you!"

"Well...?" Silver prods.

Susanna takes a deep breath.

"On the night that he was supposed to go to that party, he had a dream, although it apparently felt so real that he didn't know it was a dream. Anyway, he kissed another guy in that dream. The more confusing thing about it was that it was originally you and when he started kissing you, you transformed into another guy." She stops to wait for Silver's inevitable shock and horror.

"... So what?" Silver responds very calmly.

"OK! That is the calmest I've ever seen you and it's scaring me!" Susanna declares quite shocked and freaked out.

"So what if he kissed another guy in a dream. It's just a dream. It's nothing to get freaked out about. It's no big deal!"

"Well, he thinks it's an extremely big deal!"

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now