Chapter Fourteen: A Damned Interruption

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"Mum! What the hell are you doing here!?" Gold exclaimed.

"Well, that's a very nice welcome for your mother!" His mother responds walking into the flat followed by a man.

Gold gruffs.

"Who's that?" Silver whispers.

"My step-dad" Gold whispers back.

The man looks around the flat with a judgmental expression on his face.

"Hello Gold!"

"Hi, Derek" Gold replies sarcastically. "Mum! For the third time, what are you and Derek doing here!? And what the hell are doing just barging into my flat. I gave you a key for emergencies."

"Well this is an emergency!" Gold's mum quirks.

"What's the emergency?" Gold quizzes.

"Crystal called me!"

"Awk! About the fight? Come on! We've been friends forever, we've had fights before!"

"Oh I know that. I've witnessed one of your fights. I have no worries about that. It's what you argued about that's the problem."

"Are you for real!?" Gold shouts.

Gold's mum looks over at Silver. He's feeling really small right now. This is the first time meeting Gold's mum, but it's obviously not going to be a pleasant experience.

"So... This is Silver?"

"Yeah! What about it!?" Gold interrupts.

"Listen Gold! Crystal called and said she was worried about you. She said that you were dating a man that's too old for you...."


".... Now I am relieved that he's not as old as I was fearing. It would've been helpful if Crystal clarified that a little bit, but, he's clearly still too old!"

"W-What!? He's 26, not 40!

"Well, he's closer to 40 than you are!"

"I can't fucking believe this! You're insane!"

"Don't speak to your mother like that!" Derek interjected.

"Fuck you, Derek! This has got nothing to do with you!"

"Gold! Why are you being like this!? You never use to be like this. Silver is obviously a bad influence on you!"

"No he's fucking not! YOU'RE THE REASON I'M BEING LIKE THIS!"

Silence came over the room. Gold's mum's eyes and mouth wide open. Ampharos, Typhlosion, Sneasal and Umbreon are peaking round the kitchen door, shaking. Silver is shocked. Even a little scared. He has never seen Gold like that. This runs deeper than at face value.

"Silver. Please leave! You're not welcome here and I need to talk to Gold in private!" Gold's mum says sternly.

"No! Silver isn't going anywhere. I invited him to my flat. I own this flat. This is mine. You get no say. This is none of your business!"

"Excuse me! When my son is being irresponsible, everything is my business!"

"Wha... I... Seriously!? How am I being irresponsible?"

Silver is feeling even more small and invisible. They're arguing because of him.
~You've ruined the relationship he had with his mum. You're the reason he's so angry. You're destroying everything~

'No no no! Go away! That's not true!'

~Look at him! He's angry, he's upset. You say you like him but you've made him like this~

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