Chapter Twelve: Falling Friendship

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"I just... I seriously can't believe you really are going out with that Silver guy!?" Crystal exclaims sitting on Gold's couch.

"Yeah! What's the problem!?" Gold asks bringing over two mugs of tea from the kitchen.

"It's Silver... Silver!"

"What's your point?"


"It's a 6 year difference, calm the fuck down, Crystal!"

"Gold! Seriously! You've more or less been in love with this guy since we were at school. You were 13! He was 20! When you said you were gonna wait, I seriously thought you were joking. But you're honestly telling me that you didn't date anyone else, and you stayed in Johto for a fantasy?"

"It's not a fantasy! This is real! I decided back then that I was going to wait until I was old enough, because I decided that I wanted to be with him. I fell in love with him, and he was and still is who I want to be with. I don't want to be with anyone else, and yes, I decided to stay in Johto and study in Goldenrod City because I knew that he lived here and there was maybe a chance I could find him"

Crystal sat there, listening in complete disbelief. "Do you hear yourself!? Look, I get it. He was your idol. You respected him as a trainer. We all have crushes on our idols. I fancied the shit out of Lance when we were young, but I knew it was a fantasy and that it would never happen in real life, you grow up and get over it. But... This!? It's so...unreal. I mean, firstly, Goldenrod City is huge. There was only a small chance that you would bump into him. Secondly, he might have moved away during that time and thirdly, he might not have been interested in you!"

"Fuck sake, Crystal! We did bump into each other! He didn't move away! He is interested. We've had 3 dates and we text and video chat all the time. Besides, if he wasn't interested then I'd know and I'd get over it. But, he is interested and I'm still interested. It's a win-win!"

Crystal stands up and walks over to Gold. "Gold! From what you've told me, Silver clearly has issues. Things have obviously happened in his life that has made him the way he is but... It's too much. Walk away!"

"No! I'm not walking away! He just hasn't been with the right guy! A guy who actually loves him and who'll be there for him!"

"And you think you're the right guy?"

"YES!" Gold shouts causing Crystal to take a step back. "Fuck sake Crystal! You've been a judgemental cow since you sat down! You're my friend! You should be supporting me!"

"I am your friend and I am supporting you. I just feel you're not thinking this through properly. You're taking on an awful lot and do you think he'll be there for you when you need him?"

"I do. Stop talking like he's mentally unstable or that he's a head case! He's had his heartbroken in the past, his mum's an arse. You know absolutely nothing about him. Don't stand there and act like you're little miss know it all!" Gold says in frustration.

"Gold! You're a smart and an extremely handsome guy. I know of a few guys at University that would be perfect for you."

"Not interested! I already have a boyfriend!"

"Is he your boyfriend? Have you had that discussion yet? Does he know that you've been in love with him all this time?" She asks using air quotes.

Gold looks down at his feet: "N-No... But..
We've had 3 dates and we talk all the time..."

"You've already said that but that doesn't mean anything..." Crystal insists.

"It does to me!"

Crystal throws her hands in the air in exhaustion: "You're so stubborn, Gold!"

"Fuck you, Crystal! If you can't be happy for me, then just leave it! We're not discussing this! And keep your fucking nose out of our business! Our relationship has got fuck all to do with you!"

Crystal doesn't know how to respond. Emotions are running extremely high.

"I think maybe I should go." Crystal says gathering her things.

"Yeah, maybe you should!" Gold huffs.

Crystal walks to the door and turns to look at Gold: "Just...think about where I'm coming from..."

"Just leave!" Gold squacks.

She shakes her head and leaves.

Gold sighs. He's been friends with Crystal forever. She's his best friend. Why was she being that way? It makes no sense. Gold starts to tear up a little. What if they never talk again?

His thoughts are interrupted by his phone ringing. His face lights up when he sees that Silver is video calling him.

"Hey gorgeous!" Gold says excitedly.

"Hey!" Silver responds with a grin. Silver is lying on his bed, his hair is tied back and there's a book sitting on his chest. Umbreon is sleeping next to him. Gold is loving what he sees.

"What you looking at?" Silver interrupts.

"You!" Gold giggles.

"Dork!" Silver exclaims.

"You love this dork!"

"Uh huh, sure!"

They both laugh.

"You still with Crystal?" Silver asks.

"Uhm... No. She... Just left" Gold says. His smile fading away.

"What's wrong?"

"We had a huge fight..." Gold confesses getting a little teary.

"Aww Gold, I'm sorry. Please don't be upset."

"I'm sorry" Gold says, the tears falling freely: "We've never faught like this before. What if she never speaks to me again?"

"I'm sure it'll be OK once things have calmed down. Just give her some time." Silver says trying to reassure him.

"Mmm... OK"

Silver thinks for a moment. "I can be in the city in about 40 minutes if you want to go for coffee?"

"YES!" Gold suddenly cheers. The sadness suddenly disappearing.

Silver laughs getting up from the bed. "I'll text you when I'm on the train"

"OK baby! See you soon!"

They hang up. Gold is already feeling a little better. It's kinda nice that Silver is the one making him feel better.

He just wishes that Crystal could understand....

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now