Chapter Twenty Two: Settling Into New Roles

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It's been a month since Silver moved in with Gold. Things have gotten better. Of course it was an adjustment for Silver. He's lived in the same house all his life so, a bit strange living somewhere else. It was also an adjustment for Gold. Even though he's wanted this for years, it's still something new. However, they've managed to get into the swing of it. They've found their new roles in their new little family.

For the first couple of weeks, Silver had to correct himself when he left work to go home. He would automatically walk to the train station, then having to remind himself that he needs to go to the subway station instead.

Silver hasn't spoken to his mum. Sometimes a wave of sadness and guilt comes over him, but he keeps reminding himself that this had to happen. Obviously, there is the hope that one day, they could reconcile. However, for the moment, it is what it is.

There are still nights that he cries, but knows that Gold will always come and comfort him. Silver still sleeps on the sofa bed, but, he is now starting to feel empty when Gold is not there.


Silver is walking home from work. There's a smile on his face. He smiles more often now. Despite it all, he's much happier now. Reaching the the block of flats, he uses the key and heads inside. Walking up the stairs to his flat number and opens the door.

Gold jumps out of the couch like an overexcited dog and swings his arms around Gold and kisses him on the lips: "Welcome home!" He declares.

Silver smiles, squeezes Gold tight and hugs him. He's so happy. He never thought he would be.



It's now late into the evening and our couple are getting ready for bed. Gold is in his bedroom getting ready. Taking his joggers and t-shirt off. Gold only sleeps in his underwear.

Silver is in the livingroom, staring at the sofa bed. He doesn't want to sleep there. He doesn't want to sleep without Gold. It feels lonely, it feels cold without him. He shuffles over to Gold's bedroom door. Gold is about to get into bed when he sees Silver peaking through the door.

"What's wrong?" Gold chuckles.

Silver shuffles further into the room. He's wearing a t-shirt with a Wigglytuff on the front and his underwear. He looks down to the floor:

"Uhm... Can I... sleep with you... tonight?" He asks nervously.

Gold smiles with clear visibility. He can't believe it. He's so chuffed that Silver wants to sleep in the bed with him, and he's not crying or anything. Gold pulls back the bed cover, inviting Silver in. Silver smiles and jumps into the bed causing Gold to bounce. The two boys laugh.

The two boys are lying in the dark, embraced in each others arms. Neither are sleeping yet though. They're just lying there, enjoying each others comfort.

"Silver?" Gold quietly says.

"Yeah?" Silver responds.

"What made you decide that you wanted to sleep in the bed with me tonight?" Gold enquires.

There is a moments silence.

"I..." Silver begins. "I felt lonely without you, I felt...cold without you. I didn't want to sleep tonight with you. I don't want to sleep without you again."

Gold squeezes Silver, bringing him as close as possible. Those words resonate through Gold. It makes him so happy to hear Silver say those words.

Silver is smiling too. He relaxes into Gold's arms and closes his eyes. This is something he's always wanted. Something he never thought he would have.

Gold is more than he deserves. He's perfect in every way. He's everything that Silver could ever dream of.

As the time goes on, Silver falls deeper and deeper into a sleepful state, but before he drifts off, he thinks of the words that he hopes he'll be able to say one day...

I love you...

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now