Chapter Seventeen: The Eye Of The Storm

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It's been a couple of days. Gold is worried. It seems that Silver is ghosting him. He's been sending texts but Silver doesn't answer. Calls go unanswered too. Gold is really concerned. He isn't sure what to do. He can't think of a reason why Silver is ghosting him. He needs answers....

Gold approaches Susanna at the counter in Debenhams.

"Well hey there! What brings you here?" Susanna asks nervously.

"What's happened to Silver!?"

"I-I..." Susanna stutters.

"Susanna!" Gold responds sternly.

Susanna sighs and explains everything.

Gold gasps in shock. "Oh no! Someone saw us and told his mum! I never knew his mum was like that. Why didn't he tell me? Why is she like that? He's 26!"

"It's a bit complicated, Gold."

"Well, what am I supposed to do!? Give up? Cause that isn't happening!" Gold insists.

Susanna shrugs her shoulders. Not really sure what to say.

"Give me Silver's address!" Gold instructs.

"W-What? Why?" Susanna asks.

"I'm going down there. I'm going to talk to her!"

"Gold... I'm not sure if that's a good idea!"

"No! I can't just roll over and give up. I won't! I've waited so long for my chance. I love him and I know he likes me enough that could one day become love. No one is getting in our way! No one!" Gold declares. Determination in his eyes.

Susanna is conflicted. She wants to help but doesn't want to risk getting people angry. What does she do....?


*Knock knock*

Silver approaches the door and opens it.
"Gold!? What you doing here!?" Silver asks astonished.

"Who's at the door?" Silver's mum asks approaching them with curiosity.

She's a bit affronted by the young stranger standing at her door. She looks him up and down, curious at what the handsome young man has to say. He looks at her. A stern look is on his face. It's a little intimidating.

"I'm Gold!" the boy says.

"You're... Gold?" She says a little shocked. She wasn't expecting Gold to be quite so handsome. She's quite shocked at how abrupt he was.

"I wish to speak with you!" Gold requests.

"I don't see that there is anything for us to discuss!" She responds

"I only need 5 minutes. Please!" Gold pleads clasping his hands.

She sighs and ushers him in. Silver stands there shaking. He's shaking his head, quietly begging Gold not to do it. Gold walks by him. He turns and smiles at Silver and lightly runs his hand up Silver's arm which made him shiver.

Gold is escorted into the livingroom. Silver's mum closes the door behind them leaving Silver in the hall, lightly placing his ear against the door, hoping to hear the discussion.

She sits across from Gold.

There's silence. The clock ticking the only sound.

"So..." Silver's mum starts, breaking the silence. "What do you wish to discuss with me?"

"It's about Silver"

"What about him?"

"I'm officially telling you that I am dating your son and that I wish to continue doing so!"

"Why? Why my son?"

"He's handsome, smart, sweet, fun. He makes me happy and I make him happy. He's everything in my eyes."

"You're too young to understand such feelings." She insists.

"I'm 19 years old. I am fully aware of how I feel and I have a full understanding in what it means. I have been in love with your son for 6 years..."

"You're in love with him!?" She asks in shock.


"You seem like a nice young man. Quite handsome too. Very polite. However, like I said, you're too young and you can clearly do better than my son."

"Better? What do you mean?" Gold quizzes. Completely befuddled at what he just heard.

"My son is a screw up. He's a disaster. He'll only bring upset and disappointment to you. He has no prospects."

Gold is gobsmacked. Why would his own mother say awful things about him. 'No wonder Silver is completely mentally broken' - He thinks to himself: "Why do you hate him?"

"What!? I don't hate him!"

"Then why are you saying all these things to me. Why won't you let him be happy. I know I can make him happy."

"Don't misunderstood. I love my son with all my heart. I'd do anything for him. But he needs to accept his limitations and accept that it's because of the choices he has made."

"How can you even say that!? If you love him then why are you hell bent on bringing him down. He has a chance to be happy... With me!" Gold says in sheer desperation.

"I don't expect you to understand. You're not a parent. You have to ensure your child picks the right path and in failing that, ensure that they take responsibility for the choices they've made." She says sternly.

"What has he done that you feel you need to punish him in order to accept his responsibility?" He quizzes.

"I'm not punishing him." She says in defence.

"I would say you are!" Gold scolds.

"Look! I have nothing against you personally. You seem to be a nice, handsome and respectable young man. I suggest to you that you go out and mingle with boys your own age. I'm sure you'll find a deserving man for yourself."

"I don't want anyone else! I want Silver!" Gold admits.

"With all due respect Gold, I am instructing you to properly break things off with Silver and to stay away from him." She instructs.

"And with all due respect, I don't have to do anything that you instruct!" Gold quirks back.

She chuckles a little: "OK! I walked into that one. And yes, that is technically true. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell him what to do! Now I must ask you to leave!" She scolds opening the livingroom door causing a startled Silver to scurry into the kitchen, acting like he wasn't trying to listen in on their conversation.

Gold stands and heads towards the front door. He turns to face her: "He and I are adults. We both have the right to make our own decisions and to live our own lives! This isn't the end!" He declares, looking beyond her shoulder at Silver. He gives him a wink, turns and takes his leave.

Silver quickly rushes into the back garden after Gold leaves to avoid whatever his mother has to say. His heart is beating fast and a smile is emerging across his face. Gold came to find him. He came to fight for him. Gold is so brave. He's amazing that he can stand up strong.

But why can't Silver do that? Why is Silver unable to defend himself against his mother?

Why is he so weak?

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now