Chapter Three: A Chance Encounter He Didn't Want

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The heavens have opened. The people are scrambling. Pulling their hoods up, frantically getting their umbrellas and running for shelter. Not Silver, however. He didn't bring an umbrella because he didn't check the weather and his jacket doesn't have a hood.

"Fantastic..." he mumbles.

The torrential rain. A perfect metaphor.

Silver decided to get out of the rain and ran towards a nearby book shop. Standing at the doorway, shaking off the rain a little bit, wringing his hair. Umbreon and Sneasal shake off the rain to try and not bring in too much rain. They are very well behaved Pokémon.

After a minute or two of shaking off the rain, Silver heads straight for the Manga section. He can find it blindfolded.

The shop isn't very busy. There are a few people browsing. There's a small café in the back where people can relax and enjoy a cup of tea with a book or a newspaper. The radio is playing in the background. It's quite nice.

Silver reaches the Manga section. There are some new volumes. Quite a few new volumes of Manga he's currently reading. Too much choice. Obviously, he can't buy them all. If he is buying something, he needs to decide. He skims the shelves with his finger to see what he should buy. His finger reaches the BL section. He has a love-hate relationship with BL. He hates how fake it all is. Young boys, finding love with each other, the sheer romance, it's not real, he'd always scoff. But, he loves reading them because he wishes that was him. Wishing that someone loved him like in the stories. Of course, that's just fantasy.

One of the books catches his eye. "Strangers by the sea". The title makes him curious, pulling it down from the shelf. The artwork is beautiful, he thinks to himself. The story looks interesting, too. 'Limited Edition' a sticker on it says.

'Includes limited edition poster'

Silver is contemplating. It's a little more expensive since it's limited edition, but, it looks really pretty and it's, you know, limited edition. An Otaku can't pass that up.

"Mmm... I don't know..." he mumbles. The logical part of him thinks that he should leave it and think about it. However, this is the only one there and it's limited edition.

Silver finds himself walking towards the counter with it in his hand. He's already decided that he wants it.

As is typical for Silver, as soon as he buys something non-essential, a wave of buyers remorse and guilt comes over him, but, he's already paid for it so, too late now. Although, a little smile has appeared on his face. At least it might bring a little joy to him.

He stands by the door to the shop, watching the rain continue to crash down. Completely soaking people and Pokémon scurrying around to find shelter. Silver decides to brave the weather, he decides to go to a nearby shopping centre and go to the food court. Cheap food and it's inside. It's a win-win.

He briskly walks into the rain, Umbreon and Sneasal follow in tow. The rain continues to beat down onto the streets. Eager and over-excited children jumping and splashing in the puddles with Pokémon. Happy, without a care in the world. How lucky.

He continues to walk down the street. He needs to cross over at the traffic lights. He~

"Ow!" Silver exclaims falling onto the ground. Umbreon and Sneasal gasp in shock, desperate to see that Silver is OK. That was sore.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" A voice says. Silver looks up to see a boy, with a worried look, offering a hand. Silver bat's his hand away, pushing himself up. He's sore all over.

"Watch where you're going, idiot!"

"I'm so sorry, man! I was in such a hurry, I wasn't looking where I was going! I...." The boy stopping in mid-sentence, staring at Silver who is glaring a death stare at him.

I Wish I Didn't Exist (Gold x Silver - Pokémon boy x boy ship)Where stories live. Discover now