Day 12

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"Once I licked a light bulb to see if it really was hot," Niall says, stuffing some licorice pieces into his mouth. "Biggest fucking mistake of my life."

"I thought the biggest mistake you ever made was that one time when yo-"

"Let's not share that story," he cuts Kat off, his cheeks tinted pink.

"No, no, no," Eloise says with a smirk. "I'm quite intrigued. Please share it."

The four of them are currently hanging out in Kat's apartment, munching on junk food and seeing who has the most hilarious story from when they were kids. So far, Niall is winning. The rest of them can only imagine the childhood he had, or how much stress and anxiety he put his mother through.

Harry is sitting crisscross on her couch, scraping the last of his chocolate pudding from its container. He's trying to pay attention, but really, he's too excited. Louis and him are planning on Skyping later in the day for the first time and he can't wait to see Louis' face again, maybe not in person, but it's close enough.

"Kat," Niall hisses. "Don't you dare. I'll tell embarrassing stories about you."

It turns out that, although Niall and Kat only recently started working together, they've been friends since middle school. When Kat was left without a job and wouldn't be able to pay her rent unless she found a new one soon, Niall begged his father to hire her to work in their small bakery. He didn't think working with her would be this hectic.

Kat pouts, but turns to Eloise and mouths something like 'I'll tell you later.'

"I mean, it can't be that bad. When my brother was first born, my dad got my older sister and I situated in the chair in the hospital room and then gently placed him in our arms. I started saying something about how cute he was, but half way through I sneezed on him. He was born like two hours before and I actually sneezed on him," Eloise laughs.

It's quiet after that, everyone thinking about their past. Well, Harry's thinking of his future more than his past. He hopes that it involves Louis.

"Is she pretty?" Niall pipes up, sipping from his can of Dr. Pepper.

Eloise blinks. "Who, my sister?" Niall nods. "Uh, yeah. Vivia is gorgeous."

"You should give her my number."

"Umm, I don't kn-"

"C'mon, I'm sure she'd love me."

Eloise and Kat exchange a look as Niall throws a handful of popcorn in the air, expecting to have it all land his mouth, but this boy is all sorts of special. Instead, the popcorn gets in his hair and litters the floor. One piece even hits him in the eye, making him squeal.

"Right, well, we'll see."

"I bet she'd find that cute," Niall says with a hmph, crossing his arms.

"You don't even know her!"

"But I could. I'll marry your sister one day, just you wait."

Eloise rolls her eyes, muttering under her breath.

"Moving on," Kat chuckles, "got any more stories?"

Niall holds his finger up. "I ate a worm once. I found it in the backyard, thought it was a gummy worm."

Harry throws at pillow at him, not hard enough to hurt him, but Niall falls backward anyway and spews the licorice pieces and popcorn all over the place. Before Kat has a chance to get angry, he exclaims that he'll take care of it and starts sucking the food off of the floor as if he were a vacuum cleaner.

"How are you 21? And how did we end up friends?" Kat says, shaking her head, but smiling nonetheless.


Harry and Louis have been Skyping for about four hours now, and it's getting late. Louis' mom has been in to his room multiple times to tell him to go to bed and to do his chores, which he swears he'll do, but he can't say goodnight just yet.

Eloise is also getting a bit annoyed, even though her Larry feels are on fire. They saw each other less than 48 hours ago. They can't possibly have that much to talk about, for Pete's sake. Plus, Harry has his headphones in, making him speak louder than he realizes. It's after midnight. Eloise likes sleep too much to stay up this late.

"Yo," she growls, nailing her best friend in the side of the head with a pillow (why does everyone like to throw pillows so much?), "sleep is my lover and he's been feeling a bit ignored lately. I get that Louis is your lover, but kindly shut up and let me reunite with mine."

Harry just shoos her off with a wave of his hand, too busy staring at Louis to pay attention to her. She groans loudly, rolling over in bed and putting a pillow over her head.

"You're so cute," Harry whispers. The tips of Louis' ears turn pink and he reaches up to cover it.

"You're cuter."

"No, you are!"

"I beg to disagree, Mr. Styles."

"Mr. Styles, hmm?" Harry asks, raising his eyebrows up and down. "Well, Mr. Tomlinson, no one is cuter than you. You've won the 'Cutest Person Alive' award. Congratulations!"

And that is when Louis' mother bursts in, yelling at Louis about how she's told him fifteen times to do what he's supposed to. Harry can't tell exactly what's going on, but his eyes have gone wide. Louis looks at him apologetically before the screen shifts and the picture becomes blurry. He can hear them arguing in the background, Louis voice getting shakier and shakier and his mother's getting angrier and angrier. There's a crash and then the call is ended.

He furrows his eyebrows and immediately texts Louis, asking him if everything is okay.

No response.

He texts him again. And again. And again until he's texted him a hundred times. He tries calling him, but Louis doesn't pick up.

It's now one o'clock in the morning and all Harry can think of is that crash and the sound of Louis' shaky voice. He hasn't even read the messages. Harry knows that Louis' parents aren't abusive, that they love him very much and wouldn't purposely harm no matter what.

But there's no response, no response, still no response. Harry might cry.

His sunshine better be okay, greeting him when he wakes with a good morning text, per usual.

A/N: So what we've learned this chapter is that Niall is the biggest loser. Oh, and Louis, like, disappeared... :)

Sorry I haven't updated recently! I've been sick af all weekend, unfortunately, but I felt okay enough to get this written (it took like 4 hours for this lil chapter omf).

Dedicated to @xLarryStylinsonxLove thanks for reading, love :)xx


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