Day 2

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"Harry, can you please stop texting your boyfriend and order? This kind lady is waiting," Eloise says, looking irritated, but Harry knows that she's faking it. The only thing annoying her, as she oh-so-clearly stated earlier that day, is the fact that 'Houis' isn't a thing yet (though she is still working on the ship name; Houis simply isn't cutting it).

"He's not my boyfriend," Harry replies with a scowl, finishing what he's typing before ordering a BLT sandwich. "We're just friends and that's all we'll ever be."

The pair are currently sitting in a small diner on the corner of some random street in New York City. They're actually lost out of their minds and it probably would've been a good idea to get a map or talk to the concierge at their hotel, but the thought didn't occur to them until they weren't sure which way was north or south, or in which way they should go to get back to the hotel.

They also haven't thought about using their phones yet; they aren't the smartest duo in the world.

"It's going to happen. Eloise Renderson is never wrong."


"Never wrong, Harry." Eloise chuckles as a small pout grazes Harry's lips. She stirs the ice around in her cup before taking a tiny sip and staring out the window. "Maybe my soulmate is here, too."

She laughs dryly, not giving Harry a chance to respond. "Well, if he is, he can find me himself. I'm not going to bother searching my ass off for him. Men suck, Harry. Don't become a man. Be a gentleman, you hear me?"

Harry rolls his eyes as the waitress delivers their food. As he's eating, his foot is tapping nervously against the floor. Where is Louis? Why won't he respond? It's been a full seven minutes and two seconds and, well, it doesn't take that long to pee. And if it does, why didn't Louis just take his phone with him?

That's what Harry would do because he never wants to stop talking to Louis. They clicked so quickly, even Eloise is a bit surprised. Talking to Louis makes Harry happy, so incredibly happy that when he receives a new text he smiles so wide and his eyes get all crinkly and he wishes that Louis and him could converse in person.

He wants to hug Louis a lot. He wants to know what it feels like to hug Louis and what he smells like, even though there is no doubt in his mind that Louis smells amazing. He wants to cuddle with Louis and boop his cute little nose and feel the warmth radiating off of him and see him smile his wonderful smile because of something stupid Harry says.

Really, he just wants to be with Louis.

But they're also just friends. Well, that's what Harry's telling himself.

Louis, on the other hand, kinda sorta wants to have Harry's babies. But it's whatever.

When Louis responds, he doesn't mention this. He uses the blushy face emoji and the cute monkey emoji with its hand over its eyes and sometimes he shamelessly flirts with Harry. Every time he sends Harry a text he thinks that maybe Harry will finally get the hint, but he never does.

And Harry smiles because Louis finally responds and that means that Louis doesn't actually hate him like Harry worried he might.

Eloise shakes her head and stands up, leaving a tip for the waitress. She grabs her to-go box filled with French fries and follows her friend out the door.

"Get married already!" she exclaims, reading the boys' conversation over Harry's shoulder as they wait for the red hand to change into the white walking man so they can cross the street.

"I will not date a boy, Eloise," Harry says with a sigh. He still hasn't accepted the fact that he likes boys, telling himself that it's preposterous. Eloise always tells him that it's perfectly okay to like the same sex, but Harry can't seem to get it through his thick skull.

"No matter how cute, or beautiful, or funny, or absolutely perfect that boy may be," he whispers to himself and, lucky for him, Eloise doesn't hear.

Eloise doesn't hear, but Harry sort of wishes she did. Maybe she could help Harry.

Because Harry really does want to date Louis.

But he's so scared.

A/N: Hii! Welcome new, and old, readers!

This chapter is small and sucky, sigh. But thank you for taking the time to read it anyway haha cx.

Thoughts, comments, votes maybe?

Dedicated to Cass because she's pretty rad (and also got me new readers, ahh)


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