Day 1

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After begging and pleading and asking for nearly a month, Harry’s parents agree to let him travel on two conditions: one, that he doesn’t go by himself because what would they do if their baby boy got lost in a strange city? And then what if he got murdered? Someone has to be with him to make sure he’s alright, and that someone will be Eloise.

Two, he has to have enough money to pay for most of the trip himself. His mom promised to help with some of it, such as the plane ticket for Eloise, but Harry has to pay the rest. Lucky for him, he has been saving up for years, never sure what he would use the money for until now.

The morning of his flight, Harry is in an absolute panic. Has he packed everything he’ll need? What if he forgets something? What if he never finds his soulmate? When he voices these concerns to Eloise in the car she slaps him and says that she did not just spend all this time planning this trip with him for him to back out at the last minute.

Harry is really quite glad to have Eloise around, especially on days like this.

“So how are you going to know when you find this special someone?” Eloise asks, flicking on the radio.

Harry hasn’t actually thought of that yet and maybe it would have been smart to think of that before they were on their way to the airport.

“I’ll just know.”

“You’re not going to just stare into someone’s soul and know that they’re the one for you. That crap only happens in Hollywood. Besides, people tend to hide who they really are when you first meet them.”

Harry rolls his eyes and stares out the window, trying to focus on the music and not his thoughts that are flying at what seems like a million miles per hour. He sort of wishes that his brain had an off switch because it would sure as heck come in handy now.

“Hey, Harry,” Eloise says, adverting her eyes from the road to smile gently at him. “Don’t worry about it, okay? We’ll find this boy that you’re looking for.”

“How do you know it’ll be a boy?” Harry questions defensively. He hasn’t told anyone his sexuality or actually figured it out, though he does know that boys are in there somewhere. So when Eloise brings up things like this, Harry gets a bit nervous.

“Trust me, Hun, it’ll be a boy. And if you don’t believe me, I’ll put money on it. Ten bucks, what d’ya say?”


"You’re just scared that I’m right! C’mon, we all know you aren’t into those double x chromosomes.”


Harry ‘hmpf’s and slouches in his seat. How could Eloise know his sexuality before he did?

The two don’t talk much the rest of the ride to the airport and by the time they arrive, they’re beyond late. They storm through security and then run like crazy to where they are supposed to be. Eloise freaks out when the last boarding call sounds on the overhead system and may have accidentally trampled a small toddler, but she doesn’t remember exactly. It could have just been a suitcase.

Soulmate Search // larryWhere stories live. Discover now