'I Can't Stand This Anymore'

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Valentine's Day is less than a week away, and if Harry doesn't get his package to Louis sent soon, well, bad things will happen.

Okay, so maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration. Louis could care less if Harry sends him a gift because they haven't even been dating a month yet. In fact, he told Harry not to get him anything, an idea that Harry immediately rejected considering Louis already bought him a present and is just waiting to send it so that it will arrive exactly on February 14.

So, Harry dragged Eloise to the store with him about an hour ago, and the pair are still searching for what has to be the perfect present.

"H, just buy him some candy or something and let's get out of here. I've got stuff to do," Eloise groans, running her fingers through her hair, her eyes scanning over the shelves.

"No, you don't," Harry says with a grunt.

"I do too."

"We both know that all you're going to do is watch Netflix as soon as you get home and eat, like, an entire pizza pie."

Eloise gasps, feigning offense. "That is incorrect. I won't watch Netflix because there's a Big Bang Theory marathon on in about thirty minutes, and there is no way I am missing that."

Harry raises his eyebrows. Why didn't Eloise tell him about this marathon sooner? He can't miss that.

But as much Harry would like to get going immediately, he also knows that he has to find some gift for Louis and fast. So, he ignores his friend's complaints and turns down another aisle.

"Just send him one of your hoodies and let's get out of here," Eloise says with a sigh.

Stopping dead in his tracks, Harry turns to her. Eloise, not realizing that he has stopped short, smacks straight into him, stumbles backwards, and nearly ends up crashing into one of the merchandise covered shelves.

"That's a great idea. He did love wearing my hoodie while we were on the trip."

Eloise blinks in slight surprise, but quickly recomposes herself. "Great, okay, let's get going then, yeah?"

The pair make their way to the front of the store. And, of course, it wouldn't be like the usual trip to the store if Harry didn't accidentally knock over some display case and they didn't run out of the door as soon as humanly possible.


When Eloise arrives at her apartment complex, she discovers a small package in her mailbox and, her curiosity getting the best of her, immediately dashes up to see what's inside. The marathon doesn't start for another 15 minutes anyway, and Harry won't be there to join her until then. As soon as she is in her bedroom, sitting crisscrossed on her bed, she begins to examine it.

She discovers that it's from Kat. That girl is good at keeping a secret, because the two Skyped the other day and Kat didn't say a word about sending something. Upon opening it, she finds a sealed envelope sitting on top of a few layers of pink tissue paper.

Eloise carefully takes out the letter and unfolds it, her eyes darting across the multiple pieces of notebook paper covered in Kat's delicate handwriting.

Dear Ellie,

Happy Valentine's Day, my love. Are you surprised? I hope so.

There's something I need to tell you, okay, so hear me out. I couldn't tell you this over Skype because A. I'm an absolute nervous wreck and never know how to go about things, especially something like this, and B. I wanted to try and be a bit creative. Though writing you a letter isn't very creative, is it? Oh well.

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