Day 20

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I didn’t mean to go back to Jo!” Harry cries, holding his head in his hands. “I just like Louis so much that when he didn’t answer me I thought he hated me, that he was ignoring me. I was just so paranoid.”

Harry, Eloise, Niall, Kat, and Liam are all in Kat’s apartment, as planned, trying to figure out a way for Louis to forgive Harry before their two o’clock flight tomorrow. The group hasn’t really accomplished much. Harry has just been crying a lot, Liam has been giving him wary glances, and Eloise has her head in Kat’s lap, her legs taking up the rest of the couch.

“Now you know how Louis felt a few weeks ago,” Eloise mutters.

“I’m such an asshole. I screw everything up. I don’t blame Louis for hating me,” Harry says, blowing his nose.

Kat plays with Eloise’s hair as Niall throws a grape at her. She easily catches it in her mouth. “Did you tell him what you’ve been telling us?”

“He won’t listen to me! I’ve texted him a million times, and I’ve called him, and I even went to his house. But he hates me.” Tears are rolling down his cheeks again. He can’t seem to stop.

It’s silent then, except for Niall as he pulls grape after grape from its stem. Liam isn’t quite sure what he should do. He wants Louis to be happy again. Louis hadn’t been more than melancholy in years until Harry showed up. After that, he couldn’t have been happier, smiling all the time. Liam knows that to get this Louis back, he has to get him to listen to Harry, but that could always lead to Louis being hurt again. It’s all a rather big mess that no one can seem to completely clean up.

“I guess the best thing to do would be to give him some space then,” Eloise says with a sigh, frowning slightly. Kat pokes at the corner of her lip to get her to smile again, which results in her licking Kat’s finger.

“Eloise!” Kat squeals, jumping and practically pushing the other girl off of the couch. Eloise sticks her tongue out at her, giggling.

“But we leave tomorrow. There’s no time for space. I have to say goodbye to him,” Harry whines, running a hand through his curls. “I can’t leave without saying goodbye. Who knows when I’ll see him again.”

Eloise points at him. “You came on this adventure to find your soulmate, and you found him. Trust me, nothing will be able to keep you two apart now, not even distance.”

Harry shrugs forlornly.

“I could always talk to him for you,” Liam pipes up suddenly. Harry’s head shoots up.

“Would you? Please, Liam, please?” He knows that Liam isn’t too fond of him, but if he’s willing to talk to Louis than he must not completely hate him.

Liam nods, taking a bite of a muffin. He tugs his phone from his back pocket and sits on a barstool. After a few seconds of typing, he slips it back into his pocket and says, “I invited him to my house in a few hours. I’ll speak with him then.”

“You’re a lifesaver, thank you.”

“I’m doing this for Louis’ benefit, not yours,” he replies. “I know you may not have meant what you did, but you also didn’t see how badly you broke him. I did, and I swear if you hurt my best friend again, you’ll be introduced to my fist.”

Harry nods quickly, wide eyed. “I don’t plan on hurting him ever. He’s my world.”

“Well, things don’t always go as planned.”

But Harry knows that he will never intentionally hurt Louis. Not that he did before, but he’s going to be extra careful now. He’s realized exactly how much Louis means to him, and he’s never letting go again, or making any more stupid mistakes.

How much does Louis mean to him? He wants to spend the rest of his life with this boy. And, yeah, maybe he’s moving things a bit too quickly, maybe he’s falling too fast, but he doesn’t care. He wants to wake up each morning with Louis sleeping peacefully beside him, and memorize his breathing pattern. He wants to propose in a few years, and plan out the wedding, and then watch Louis walk down the aisle. He’d probably cry. Heck, he could cry just thinking about it.

And he wants to raise a family together. He can just imagine bringing home their first baby, cradling them in his arms and watching Louis play with them with a fond expression. He can imagine all the love that would fill their household, watching their baby grow into a beautiful adult. Of course, they’d have more than one. Harry loves children too much to simply have one.

He’s sure that they’ll slow dance around their living room all the time when they’re older, sometimes to music such as their wedding song, sometimes to the tune they hear in their minds. They’ll spoil their grandchildren rotten, and travel around the world, and just enjoy every second they spend together with their children and each other.

Honestly, Harry will value every moment with Louis from this day forward. He’ll just value Louis. He thinks he might even love Louis. No one has made him feel this way.

Liam heads home after a bit. Eloise and Harry decide to stay the night in order to be with their friends as much as humanly possible before they have to leave. Kat and Eloise curl up on the sofa to watch a movie while Harry and Niall take over the floor.

The girls end up falling asleep, Eloise lying on top of Kat, their stomachs pressing together, her head on Kat’s chest, and Kat’s arm wrapping around her waist. Niall passes out in Kat’s bed, which she will no doubt yell at him for in the morning.

They haven’t heard anything from Liam by the time Harry finally drifts off to sleep. But he hopes to be greeted with a good morning text, just like he used to. He hopes that Louis will meet him at the hotel in the morning and ride with him to the airport. He hopes that they will have enough love passed between them in that moment to last them until they are able to see each other again.

He hopes that Louis will officially be his before he boards that plane.

A/N: They leave the next chapter. Guesses for what happens to keloise and larry?

Just wanted to let you guys know that besides Winter Wind, I've put another story up called Bye Bye Birdie. It's an mpreg that isn't an au and basically, the pregnancy could out them, but management will do anything to get rid of the baby before the fans realize. Check it out if you'd like.

Dedicated to hi-LARRY-oops


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