Day 8 Part II

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"Look at all these M&M's!" Eloise squeals in delight, her eyes scanning over all the tubes filled with thousands of different, the color coded candies. "I didn't even know they made this shade of blue! Look at that stuffed toy!"

Louis and Harry trail behind her, laughing and gazing fondly at the other laughing. Eloise is having too much fun to pay attention to the fact that the boys are practically ogling over each other.

"I'm getting this extremely overpriced bag of only blue M&M's, but who cares because I'm getting them in the M&M store in New York City!" Eloise exclaims, bouncing on the balls of her feet and holding a large bag of her favorite candy.

"You're out of your mind," Harry chuckles, Louis leaning with his back against Harry's chest and Harry's arms draped down either side of Louis' neck, his hands meeting in the middle.

"Maybe, but I'm having a damn good time," she says, skipping over to the checkout counter.

Louis sighs, bringing his hands up to hold onto Harry's arms. "Where are we going next?"

Harry shrugs, smiling at the warmth coming from Louis' palms. The three had already been to the Empire State building and the 9/11 monument and museum, and it is only four o'clock. There are still so many things to do, things to see.

"We should go ice skating in Rockefeller Center," Louis says, "though I can't ice skate for the life of me."

"Lucky for you, I'm a pro," Harry says with a grin.

So, when Eloise finishes paying for her candy, they hop on a bus to go ice skating. Not even Louis, who has lived in New York all of his life, has done this before and it's rather exciting. Mostly, for Louis anyway, because Harry is going to probably end up holding his hand while they skate around.

By the time they get there, pay, and get their skates on (Harry ties Louis' for him, what a gentleman ((Eloise takes like five million pictures of it, so it seems to them))), it's already five thirty. Eloise speeds off, expertly avoiding the small children, and leaving the boys in the dust.

Louis is right, he can't skate. He falls on his butt at least twenty times before he holds on to Harry's hand with a death grip he will never escape from. Harry thinks it's all quite cute, Louis with the tip of his tongue poking out of his lips in concentration, his cheeks and nose red from the cold, a grey beanie covering a good portion of his hair, and his eyes appearing an even brighter shade of blue than before.

"I won't let you fall," Harry assures him, pulling him along behind as Harry expertly glides back and forth on the ice.

"Promise?" Louis asks, glancing up at Harry through his eyelashes for only a second before his gaze is directed towards his clumsy feet once more.

Harry bites his lip, admiring the beautiful boy. "I promise," he whispers, his breath dancing visibly in the air.

Soon Louis can skate on his own, slowly, but he can still do it. And then he's laughing like a maniac, his glasses slipping down his nose, his cold hands in Harry's as Harry spins them in a little circle. And Harry's laughing, too, ignoring some of the odd stares coming their way.

Then they land hard on their backsides, neither fully knowing how. They were perfectly sturdy two seconds ago and now they both probably have a bruised tailbone.

"You promised you wouldn't let me fall," Louis says, faking a pout.

"I'm sorry, Lou Lou. I didn't mean to," Harry says, reaching out to help Louis up once he's regained his stance. "Forgive me?"

Louis taps at his chin, pretending to think something over. "Only if you'll give me a kiss."

Oh. Oh. Louis wants Harry to kiss him. In public. Where everyone can see. Harry isn't even sure he wants to date Louis yet (okay, maybe he is sure, but he's still scared), and he knows for a fact that Eloise will never drop it after this. He's finally accepted that he is most likely bisexual, but that doesn't mean he wants to share that fact with all these people.

"K-kiss you?" he asks warily.

The younger boy hums in response, his hands behind his back and a smirk on his lips. "Just like last night. You seemed fine with it then."

"I don't know, Lo-"

"Just pretend they aren't here," he says, coming a little closer to Harry. "Focus on my eyes, and then focus on my lips." And everything he says is coming out in the quietest of breaths, and Harry does as Louis instructs.

He focuses on Louis' crystal eyes, then his soft pink lips, then lowers his head. The loud noises from around him seem to fade away completely, and it's just as Louis said. It's like no one is there.

And then they're kissing, right there in the center of the rink. Eloise actually falls over in shock, unintentionally doing a summersault on the ice. When she actually manages to grasp the fact that her number one ship is kissing right in front of her, her phone is out faster than anything.

Harry's hands are on Louis' waist, Louis' body pressed firmly against Harry's and his fingers pulling at a few of the curls that sit at the nape of Harry's neck. He's smiling in the kiss, and he's really trying not to, but he just can't help it.

Eloise is practically crying.

The two glide to the edge of the rink hand in hand, absolutely beaming. Harry can't believe they just did that and, frankly, neither can Eloise.

She races over to them and follows them out. "Wow, that was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I don't know what to do with myself right now. I'm losing my mind, the feels are eating me alive. And when, exactly, were you going to tell me that you kiss now?"

When they get home, Louis and Harry watch movies on the couch with Eloise in the chair beside them. Louis has his head resting in Harry's lap as Harry feeds him some of Eloise's M&M's, before she yanks them away from the pair, that is. After that, Harry just plays with Louis' hair and gives him soft little kisses from time to time on his nose and cheeks and forehead and then (finally) his lips.

And when Louis gets sleepy, yawning all cute and rubbing at his eyes (Harry even kisses his eyelids), Harry scoops him up and puts him in bed, making sure that he's all comfy before going to strip off his clothes.

"Harry," Louis whines, making grabby hands at him. Harry rinses the toothpaste from his mouth, wiping his lips against his arms. "Come sleep with me."

So, Harry does without argument. He climbs under the covers and Louis' body shoots to him in a matter of seconds, practically suction cupping himself to him. They're both sound asleep moments later, limbs strewn together, after a long night of soft kisses and giggles and cuddles and pictures.

And when they both dream about the other with smiles on their faces, well, then that secret will be left unspoken.

A/N: Hii! So, it's been like four days since my last update :/ if anything, blame my exams, ew.

So yeah, this chapter was very fluff filled and cute and more larry kisses, aw. But also very crappy, sorry.

Also, this has like 600 reads now and almost 100 comments and it only has 11 parts?? What even, oh my gosh, I love you guys so much!

Thoughts? Dedicated to RoseMariesWritings for being a sweetie xx


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