'She's Losing Her Mind'

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Kat has a plan. A top secret, confidential plan that Eloise must not find out about, but she also will need Harry's help, so the chances of keeping this secret from her are a bit slim.

Though, really, Kat isn't sure if Harry will be the one to give it away, or if she will. Now that Eloise has a concussion -Just Dance is dangerous-, there isn't much she is allowed to do. No electronics, no reading, no work, and no writing are among the orders of the doctor, so Kat has spent every free second she has talking on the phone with her girlfriend. Not being able to discuss this surprise will definitely be a struggle.

She drums her fingers impatiently against the counter, trying to block out Niall's loud laughter and stories as she waits for Harry to pick up the phone. Maybe it would be a better idea to wait until she gets off of work to call, but then again Eloise will most likely call the minute Kat gets home.

"Hello Ka-"

"Don't say my name if you're in the same room as Eloise," she quickly interrupts.

"Uh, why?" There's some shuffling in the background, and she assumes that he's moving somewhere else. 

"Because she can't know that I called you. I need your help with something."

"If you need help breaking up with her, you've called the wrong person."

"No! What? Why would I want to break up with her?"

"I don't know. This phone call started out confusing and suspicious and has only become more so."

"Just shut up, okay?"

"Well, that's not very nice."

"Harry," Kat groans, tugging absentmindedly on a strand of her blonde hair. "I need your help surprising Eloise. As you know, her birthday is coming up-"

"No it's not. You must have the wrong date because her birthday isn't until April."

"I know it's in April. That's only two months away."

"Two months is a long time. Why are you starting this surprise now, and what is the surprise, and-"

"If you actually shut up long enough for me to explain, you would have an answer to all of those questions." Harry sighs dramatically at her words. "The bakery is going to be closed for a few weeks in April for remodeling and such, so I have time off, and I want to fly down there without Eloise knowing. But I need your help."

"Eloise, go away! This is an adult conversation!" Harry suddenly yells, and Kat can hear a door slamming shut. "Need my help with what?"

"With, like, picking me up from the airport and bringing me to Eloise's apartment. And keeping her from making any plans the day I arrive, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Text me the details."

"Make sure Ellie doesn't find out!"

"Got it. And you might want to call her soon. She's losing her mind."

Kat laughs affectionately, bidding Harry farewell. She and Niall begin to close up shop, wiping down tables and cleaning the dishes and all the while, she can't stop thinking of the bubbly red head. She wishes that she could hug, cuddle, and kiss the girl now instead of having to wait a few more months, but distance is keeping them apart. The phone calls and video chats will have to be enough, at least for the time being.


Harry has been staying with Eloise in her apartment for about a week now to help her out while she has her concussion. He wakes up for work in the morning, makes her breakfast before he heads out, and then returns home around three in the afternoon. He has to make sure that she doesn't use her electronics or read that new book she bought the day she hit her head. 

It feels like he's babysitting a young child. All she does is complain all day about how bored she is. She's already completely finished coloring every picture in a coloring book, talks to Kat for up to five hours at a time, and has listened to every cd she owns at least ten times. 

"Can this concussion just go away?" Eloise groans. She's currently sprawled out on the sofa, counting the uneven splotches of paint on the ceiling. "I've had enough of it."

Finishing up a text to Niall, Harry rolls his eyes. "If you hadn't been stupid enough to fall like you did, you wouldn't be in this situation. In case you didn't know, tile is hard."

She glares at him. "Is it? I had no idea."

"Hey, look on the bright side. You don't have to go to work. And you haven't thrown up, so your brain isn't swelling."

Eloise rolls off the couch and onto the floor, which causes Harry to yell at her because she could've just given herself another concussion. "I don't think I can have two concussions at once, you idiot."

"Yeah, well, you could make it worse. Go on a walk or something, damn."

"Exercise isn't really my thing."

"You've got nothing else to do."

"I have you to annoy, and I don't think I can work in a walk around that busy schedule."

He opens the fridge, his eyes scanning over all of the food before he pulls out a fruit cup. "How about you invite your brother and a couple of our friends over later. We haven't seen anyone in a while, and you're stuck talking to that wall if you don't do something."

Grinning in excitement, Eloise runs around the family room, opening drawers until she finds her address book. Harry yells at her once again to be careful, but she ignores him, skimming through the list of people.

"Okay, I'll text Josh-"

"No, you won't. You can't text."

"Just shoot me, why don't you." She grabs the home phone from it's base and looks up her brother's number. "And I'll invite Cammie and Hunter, and we can tell them all about our new relationships. Oh! Cammie and Hunter don't know you have a boyfriend, so you'll have to tell them and-"

"I'll tell them if I feel comfortable," Harry says, twisting at the bottom of his T-shirt apprehensively. 

She looks up from the address book, giving him a sympathetic glance. "They're your friends, and they still will be after you tell them. Remember how they reacted when I told them I was bi?"

"Richard threw a book at the wall and stormed out!"

"Yes, well, we don't like Richard. He isn't invited. It's only Cammie and Hunter, and they were fine with it. They'll still love you, Harry. I promise."

The pair spend the next half an hour on the phone, calling over and over until they finally pick up -which really pisses Hunter off, considering he was in the middle of class, but Eloise doesn't care. Everyone will arrive soon, so Eloise is rushing around, cleaning up the mess she has made while attempting to entertain herself this past week, and Harry is fixing up a few snacks. 

It's around this time that Harry gets another phone call. He answers with out checking the caller id, figuring that Cammie has probably gotten lost trying to get there, or Josh has forgotten the apartment number. However, it isn't either of them. It's someone he doesn't think he will ever talk to again, and he's okay with that.


"Hi there, Harbear."

A/N: So sorry it's been so long guys. A bit over a month, I  think. 

So, who do you think called him? :)

Dedicated to Reana!


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