Chapter Nineteen

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The rest of the trip to Rivendell was leisurely, or as leisurely as it could get when it came to Elves and Dwarves in proximity to one another.

Most of the Company kept to themselves or clustered around Thorin and the Pretty Twins, as though they had some odd notion the Elves would suddenly attack the three royals without provocation.

Personally, knowing Thorin as she did, Bilba felt any attack against him would most likely have plenty of provocation at its core.

Even then he was continuing to mutter unflattering things against the Elves, all in Khuzdul of course.

Gandalf rode at the head of the group deep in conversation with Elrond and most of the Elves rode with them.

Bilba found herself falling back, content to look at the scenery and enjoy not having anything trying to kill her at the moment.

"My father says you are Bilba Baggins, yes? Are you perhaps related to Belladonna?"

Bilba looked up at the Elf who'd drawn alongside her. Before she could respond a second one, identical to the first in appearance, came along her other side.

"You must be Elrond's sons," Bilba said in Sindarin, remembering stories her mother had told her. "Forgive me for I am quite unable to tell you apart."

The one on her right laughed. "It is rare anyone can and you have only just met us, after all. I am Elladan."

Bilba nodded and looked to the Elf on her left. "Which would make you Elrohir." She hesitated. "Belladonna was my mother."

Elladan looked startled. "Indeed? I wasn't aware she had children. She never mentioned any during her visits."

On her other side Elrohir made an odd noise. Elladan's eyes widened and he began stammering. "I mean...well...what I meant to say was--"

"It's fine," Bilba said shortly. It was little surprise her mother never mentioned them. She was quick enough to run off with Gandalf any time he came calling, leaving her children behind for months at a time.

She used to believe the fact her mother returned at all was proof of her love. Given what happened in the end, though, she wondered if it was her father, rather than her and Bungo her mother returned for.

"If you don't mind my asking," Elrohir said, "how is she? She used to visit all the time but we haven't seen her in a little while."

Nearly a decade ago, Bilba thought sourly. Her mother had often spoken of the two as close friends but they hadn't bothered to so much as inquire after Belladonna even once, despite her sudden absence.

"She died," Bilba said flatly. The two both jerked slightly in their saddles, startled. Before they could question her further Bilba spurred her pony ahead of them. She considered going back to Thorin and Fili but, just from a glance, it would appear they hadn't yet tired of insulting the Elves. Going by the fact she hadn't heard them repeat a single insult she wondered if it wasn't some sort of bizarre hobby they practiced on a regular basis.

Instead she found Nori, riding along the outskirts as usual, though nearest to Dori and Ori.

"Want to start that first lesson?" She asked.

"You want to start teaching me Black Speech while we're surrounded by Elves?" He asked in surprise.

Bilba smiled sweetly. "Why not?"

Nori gave her an admiring look. "You are certainly an interesting Hobbit."

"No need to be insulting," Bilba replied dryly.

Homeward Bound Part One: An Unexpected JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now