Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The first howl hadn't even ended before Bilba had her ring out and on her finger.

Given the number of times they'd faced death on this quest she was seriously considering putting it on and never taking it off again.

She turned and saw orcs and wargs pouring out of the woods behind them.

Glorfindel stepped up next to her, his sword already drawn.

"How many do you think there are?" Bilba asked.

He frowned in concentration a moment before answering, "At least thirty, not counting the wargs they ride."

"Huh," Bilba said. "Only thirty? What will the rest of us fight?"

He grinned at her. "I could save you a warg or two if you like."

"That's very generous of you," Bilba said solemnly, "but I'm afraid Thorin may see it as condescending. You know how he feels about elves, he's convinced you spend every waking moment thinking of ways to irritate him."

"That's just absurd," Glorifindel said. "We only spend every OTHER waking moment doing that." He shrugged. "Oh, well. He'll just have to find own then."

And with that he was gone, racing toward the oncoming group.

A loud roar sounded and Bilba felt her blood run cold as none other than Azog appeared from out of the trees. Her breath caught in her throat and she shakily jerked her sword from its sheath, her fingers nervously twitching on the hilt.

"Bilba?" Kili's voice sounded and Bilba turned to see him with an arrow nocked to his bow, though the tip pointed at the ground. "Where are you?"

Bilba moved to the side of the path, making a note that getting possibly run over or shot by your own people was definitely a downside of the ring.

As she did she caught sight of Thorin. His eyes were fixed on Azog, an almost trancelike look in his eyes. His sword was drawn but hung nearly lax in his hand.

Oh, for the love of –

"Hey Thorin!" she shouted, "I see your boyfriend's back! Try to restrain your enthusiasm this time, all right?"

She saw him twitch, his eyes darting toward her location. Fili, Kili and Dwalin also all turned to look at him. Dwalin leaned in to growl something and Thorin snapped back irritably but she saw his eyes clear and his grip tighten on his sword.

"I'm clear by the way," Bilba continued, "unless you all planned to just watch Glorfindel have all the fun."

As she said it Glorfindel sliced through the neck of the seventh or so warg he'd killed. Most of the group had focused on him but the elf appeared almost bored, his expression similar to what she'd expect from him on an afternoon walk rather than cutting through an orc pack.

"Well why didn't you say so?" Kili said, his voice jubilant. He lifted his bow and let the arrow fly. It struck home, driving deep into the head of an orc.

That seemed to remind two of the orcs that they too had bows and arrows and Bilba soon found herself ducking as several of them flew over her head.

Thorin gave a war cry, something about axes and dwarves, and then the entire Company was thundering past her to engage the pack.

Azog hung near the back like the coward he was, avoiding the battle while his minions did all the fighting. He held his mace in one hand and Bilba felt herself shiver, mind flashing back to the crack it had made as it connected with Thorin's face, the fear she'd felt realizing she was facing it alone.

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