Chapter Fifty-One

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Bilba pushed her way through throngs of celebrating men, elves and dwarves. She paused only long enough to ask the occasional elf or man if they'd seen Bard, Thranduil or Prince Legolas and upon hearing a negative answer, continued her trek.

Once the fighting had thinned out Beorn and Glorfindel had returned and picked her up. Dwalin and Dain had chosen to stay behind and Glorfindel had also leapt off and vanished into the remnants of the battle before she could think to say anything about Mirkwood.

Dain had helped her onto Beorn's back. As he'd done so Dwalin had stepped up as though he wished to say something to her but Bilba had turned away.

She'd heard what he'd said to Dain. He admitted he should have stood up for her alongside Fili and Kili. He'd understood Thorin wasn't in his right mind.

In many ways, the admission made the feeling of betrayal worse, igniting the first spark of anger where, before, there had only been grief and pain. It hadn't been a mistake. It hadn't been a misunderstanding. Dwalin had known exactly what he was doing and had chosen to leave her, Fili and Kili to face Thorin's wrath alone.

She supposed, now that her eyes had been opened so to speak, she could understand it. She was the outsider. She didn't belong. Of course he and the rest of the Company were going to pick Thorin over her.

Still, though, it was one thing for them to have betrayed her. It was something else entirely to have stood by and done nothing while Thorin banished his own nephews.

Thorin. Her gut clenched at the mere thought of his name. She was starting to feel anger toward him as well. After all, where did he get off saying she was a sorcerer and had bewitched Fili and Kili? It wasn't enough he called her a traitor and a liar?

That was only one part of it, though. When it came to Thorin her emotions were a mess. There was pain and hurt, betrayal, anger.

And there was fear.

So, so much fear, and it grew in intensity with every passing moment. Her hand went to her stomach, resting on the curve there. Then her mind went to Thorin. Thorin, who was a King and now had a Kingdom to go with the title. Thorin with his army and his weapons and his servants so blindly loyal they would follow him even when they knew he was wrong.

She wanted to go home.

Before she could no longer hide her pregnancy.

Before he found out.

Before he came to take her children from her.

A voice called her name and she turned, breathing a sigh of relief as she saw Legolas coming toward her. The Elven Prince was covered in blood and grime, his clothes torn in various places but he moved easily and without pain.

He came to a stop in front of her. "Bilba," he said in surprise, "I'd heard you'd returned and were looking for me and my father. What happened? Why didn't you stay in Mirkwood?"

Bilba took a deep breath and told him everything that had happened at the elven palace as quickly and succinctly as she could. As she did she saw his eyes widen in shock, his entire body straightening as though she'd physically struck him.

Once she'd finished speaking, he swallowed hard, his hands clenched in fists. Then he simply nodded. "Come on. We need to find my father."

He strode away and Bilba hurried after him.

The elves were far more willing to answer their prince than a small, oddly dressed hobbit, and they were soon directed back out onto the battlefield itself.

Homeward Bound Part One: An Unexpected JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now