Chapter Twenty-Three

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The weather did not improve.

By the next morning a light rain had begun to fall.

As Bilba had feared the pass over the mountain was a narrow ledge with sheer, jagged rock on one side and a drop on the other. The drop off was short at first but as they climbed higher it grew deeper until the ground was so far below them the trees looked like small sticks poking out of the ground.

The Company was forced to walk single file on the ledge. As the day progressed the rain increased and the rock grew slippery and even more treacherous. No one spoke as they were each forced to focus on their footing.

Thorin had planned to cross the pass in one day, starting that morning and getting down by evening. The rain made it impossible, slowing them so much that, by evening they were barely at the height of the Pass. The rain had soaked them through and they were all shivering from the cold. Bilba's body shook so hard she was pretty sure her bones would eventually give up and just snap. Thunder and lightning had started by then and, judging by the frequency, it didn't look like the storm would stop anytime soon. She stumbled and felt Dwalin grab her, steadying her for a moment until she got her footing again.

In the gathering dark Bilba felt a flash of fear with each footstep, terrified she'd place her foot into a shadow only to find no rock. Thorin led, as usual, with Dwalin right behind. Bilba was behind him, holding on to the back of his coat to steady herself. The Ri brothers were behind her followed by Fili and Kili and the rest.

From behind Fili suddenly yelled out a warning. Bilba turned to see him looking up. She followed his gaze and saw, to her horror, a giant boulder hurtling straight toward them. Her mind was so busy trying to comprehend what a giant rock was doing flying through the air she forgot to duck.

It was Dwalin who grabbed her and forced her down just as the rock shattered against the mountain just over her head. The impact vibrated through her and then giant shards were falling past her face. She cowered, pressing against the mountain.

Balin yelled something from farther back in the line and she risked a look, relieved to see everyone appeared to be accounted for and unharmed.

She peered out into the rain, trying to see what had caused the rock to go flying. Her eyes registered movement and she looked just in time to see a giant rock peel itself right out of the mountain several hundred yards away.


As she watched it rose straight up and now she could see what appeared to be arms and feet and a craggy part on top that might be a head if you squinted.

"Giants!" Bofur shouted, "stone giants!"

Bilba wanted to thank him for pointing out the obvious but was too busy watching the stone...giant...or whatever it was rip a giant boulder right out of the side of a mountain.

It then turned and threw it straight at them.

Bilba screamed, ducking and throwing her arms over her head in a futile effort to protect herself. The boulder sailed over them and she turned to see it just as it impacted with a second giant coming around the corner of the mountain.

The blow knocked it down and the first giant gave a roar as though of triumph.

Bilba didn't see if the second giant got up because suddenly more debris was falling from overhead and she scrambled back against the side of the mountain. The falling rock hit the ledge and pieces began to break away, opening wide gaps in the ledge.

Terror brought a feeling of cold a thousand times worse than the rain and falling night could bring. Bilba felt her heart speed up so fast it was a wonder it didn't burst and her breathing was harsh and ragged, her chest heaving as it struggled to get in enough air.

Homeward Bound Part One: An Unexpected JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now