Chapter Thirty-Five

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Bilba had worked her way through the equivalent of breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses and was halfway through tea before a knock sounded on the door.

Thranduil called out permission and the door promptly opened to admit Tauriel. Behind her strode Thorin, fresh from a bath, his beard neatly trimmed, braids redone and dressed once again in his armor and Coat of Majesty. The only thing he was missing was his sword, but Bilba could understand why the elves might not want guests traipsing about their palace armed.

As he came in she felt her heart jump in her chest and, before she was fully aware, had pushed back from the table. She ran over to him, leapt up on his steel capped boots, pushed up on her toes, flung her arms around his neck and kissed him.

He barely had a chance to kiss her back before she broke it off, leaning back to where her weight hung off her arms. Thorin slid his own arms around her waist, interlocking his hands at the small of her back to brace her.

"Hi," Bilba said quietly.

A slow grin spread across Thorin's face.

"Hello." His eyes flickered over her clothing and hair. "You look like you're feeling better."

Bilba grinned. "I imagine I look a sight better too."

Thorin's eyes locked onto hers. "You only ever look beautiful to me."

Bilba's mind locked up and she proceeded to simply stare at him, her mouth slightly agape. Thorin gave her an amused look, his lips quirking upward in a smirk.

Before she could fashion any sort of response he looked past her and Bilba saw his eyes darken. With a start she remembered they weren't exactly alone in the room and felt her face heat. Pulling herself up on her toes once more she leaned into Thorin's face, her forehead touching his.

"Please, just listen to what he has to say. You did promise."

His eyes narrowed. "When was this?"

"You promised me you'd keep your feelings about our hosts to yourself."

"That was about the guards."

"You didn't say that," Bilba insisted. "You said hosts."

Really, he was a King, he should know better than to make promises without being absolutely sure of what he was agreeing to.

Behind her there was silence from the rest of the room. Bilba was surprised Thranduil hadn't spoken up yet. She imagined Glorfindel probably had something to do with it.

"Please?" She whispered, pulling herself even closer, "just hear him out?"

His eyes darkened but he gave her the barest inclination of his head.

"As you wish."

He didn't sound happy about it but when Bilba leaned in he kissed her freely enough.

She jumped off his boots and turned to face the room. It had occurred to her, as she'd waited for him, that he was about to hear just how deep his grandfather's illness had truly run. It was not something anyone would want to hear, least of all in front of an audience.

Bilba curtsied politely to Thranduil.

"Thank you for hospitality, your Majesty. If it's all right I think I'll retire for now. It has been a long day."

Thranduil nodded at her, his eyes unreadable. "Of course. It was...interesting to meet you, to say the least." He gestured languidly toward Legolas. "My son will show you to your guest quarters."

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