Chapter Twenty-One

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Bilba returned to her room to find her clothing mended, cleaned and spread out on her bed. She changed quickly from the dress back to her trousers, shirt and overcoat and then packed everything carefully.

After that she slung the pack over her shoulders and picked up the letters along with her parent's rings and the doll. She let herself out of the room carefully and stood uncertainly on the pathway, trying to think of the best course of action.

An idea occurred to her and she headed back in the direction of the small underground room. The odds were slim Aragorn would even still be there, and slimmer still he'd be able to help, but she couldn't think of anything else at the moment.

She found the room easily enough and, upon entering, was delighted to see Aragorn was indeed still there reading.

"I'm sorry to bother you," Bilba said, approaching and stopping a few feet away, "but I wondered if you know where Elrond or one of his sons might be?"

"I'm afraid they're probably all in a council meeting right now," he said, putting the book down, "perhaps I could help you in their stead?"

"Oh, it's all right," Bilba said. She held up the letters awkwardly. "I had some letters waiting for me when I arrived. I wrote some responses and hoped to find a way to get them sent to the Shire before I left."

Aragorn stood up. "In that case, you're in luck. I happen to be heading toward the Shire in a few days."

"Really?" Bilba said in surprise.

"I'm a Ranger," Aragorn explained. "I'm usually near the Shire or Bree. I was raised in Rivendell, however, so I visit from time to time." He smiled. "In fact I happen to be the one to transport your letters in the first place. I would be happy to make sure the responses are properly delivered."

"Oh," Bilba said, while mentally smacking herself for not putting two and two together. "Thank you! For bringing the letters and for the offer!"

"You're quite welcome," Aragorn said. He held a hand out. "If you give me the responses I'll see to it they're delivered."

Bilba nodded and handed over the letters. That left her with her parent's rings and the doll. She hesitated, clinging to them.

Aragorn raised an eyebrow and Bilba pulled them to her chest.

"These," she started and then stopped to take a breath before plunging ahead. "These belonged to my parents and my brother. I just got them back and I wanted to send them to my grandfather...the Thain..." She trailed off, would he think poorly of her that she was sending the items away? "It's just that – it's not going to be safe all the time and ---you know, what if I lose them or--"

She trailed off, her hands still clutching the rings and doll tight to her chest.

Aragorn stood over her, a look of compassion in his eyes. He shifted slightly and then knelt on one knee in front of her, his hands coming to cover hers.

"I give you my word," he said calmly, his eyes locking onto hers, "I will see them to your grandfather. They will not come to harm."

Bilba felt herself relax at the sincerity in his words. He'd already seen her letters safely to Rivendell and was clearly a friend to the Elves or he would not be so readily allowed in. Not to mention he was one of the Rangers, Men who'd long chosen to protect the Shire for no pay and little gratitude.

She released them, a feeling of loss rushing over her as they left her hands. She half wanted to take them back but knew it was a bad idea. The quest would be long and dangerous and that was before the dragon at the end. She'd never forgive herself if any harm came to the rings or Bungo's doll, especially after she'd just gotten them back.

Homeward Bound Part One: An Unexpected JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now