Trick Stair

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I obliged happily, resting my head on his sturdy chest while my hands fell to his silky hair.

You let out a contented sigh. Remus stroked my cheek gently and asked softly, "what's up baby?"

You smiled. "I love these little moments." That was all he needed to hear.

After a few comfortable minutes of silent cuddles, Remus' hand slid down to the waistband of your skirt.

Immediately your face flushed up, but luckily due to your positions, he couldn't see your flustered face.

However, he could still feel you tense slightly.

"Is this okay?" You nodded in reply and placed light kisses on his soft jumper when he didn't seem convinced.

"Really Moony, I love you." You said softly. He groaned longingly. "I love you too princess."

Lily came back out of breath, busting into the library.

You and Remus jumped, his wandering hand snapping back to his side and your hands leaving his hair.

Putting one hand on her hip, Lily smirked gleefully at what she had seen.


"Don't bother Lils. When are the rest coming back?" Remus said, a slight edge to his voice.

It was kind of hot.

"Now, that's why I ran. So you two would have a little warning to look less suspicious." Lily replied, letting Remus' tone slide for this time.

I smiled at her gratefully and took my place back at my own seat.

Less than a minute passed before Sirius, Olive, Peter, James and Hannah were back.

Olive passed me a small cup of steamy brown liquid, a white foam on the top.

The scent of cinnamon drifted from the cup, inviting my lips to try the boiling drink.

"Brought you a coffee to keep you going since you didn't come get food. James has a hot chocolate for Moony too." She said, gesturing to the little red cup I hadn't noticed in James' hand before.

I took a deep breath and sniffed the drink, then brought it to my lips and took a tiny sip.

"Thanks Olive, didn't realise I needed this until now." I replied, feeling warm again since leaving Remus' grasp.

We continued to chat quietly for a few more minutes before knuckling down back to work.

•time skip because effort•

You had been working in a slightly rushed haze, not really aware of your surroundings or time.

The only reason you knew it was late was when Madam Pince came up to the group and began to usher us out.

"Time to close, back to your dorms now." I closed my books and stoppered the ink bottle I had been using to finish off a draft essay for Transfiguration.

I had finished revising for today a while before, so began to finish up little bits and pieces I hadn't had time to do.

I still felt very much in a studying mindset, so looked around to try break out.

Sirius hadn't been working long after getting food, so he just slung the brown bag over his shoulder and helped Lily out her things back in her own bag.

James and Peter put all books we had borrowed from the library back in their respective places.

Madam Pince was a complete control freak and had to have her precious library exactly in order.

Olive and Remus were deep in conversation about something for Ancient Runes. I didn't really hear them, but the look of passion in my boyfriend's eyes did help me to wake up to reality.

Hannah tapped my shoulder, knowing I was still in a trance.

I snapped back, the subtle noises around me becoming clearer and the feeling of Hannah on my shoulder becoming more realistic.

"Come on, if we don't go now Pince will have a stroke." She murmured.

I chuckled, shaking my head and closing up my bag.

"Hey y/n, this bag is fucking fantastic. Thank you so much." Lily said after we had managed to scramble out of the library.

"You're welcome Lils. And you thank me every day, I know you like it." I giggled, teasing my friend.

She shoved my shoulder, rolling her eyes in a fake moody way.

This caused me to falter slightly. Not a big deal, happens a lot.

Except for the fact that we were in the staircase leading up to gryffindoor common room.

Which had a trick stair.

That I was on.

Or rather, that I was falling through.

For a brief moment, I felt my heart jump to my throat and my eyes fill with a roll of film as I swore, then suddenly, a strong pair of arms had me held underneath the arms.

These perfect arms hoisted me up, but my legs hadn't quite recovered, so I toppled a little.

The arms came back, this time at my waist, steadying me.

I inhaled the sweet scent of cinnamon and chocolate before looking up to see my saviour.

A pair of gorgeous rich caramel eyes met my bright y/e/c ones in a moment of perfect and pure bliss.

"Thanks Moony." I said. He shook his head before tousling the hair in front of his eyes.

"Be more careful there sweetheart." The moment the last word left his lips, my heart dropped back down again.

My cheeks warmed and I had to fight hard to not whirl round and see everyone's reaction to the pet name.

Remus seemed to have realised what he said too, because he immediately began the nervous stuttering. "Well I-I-I-I'm sorr-ry. Didn't m-mm-mea-nn to... I..."

The words drifted off. Or, to be more specific, where'd downed out by the uproar of hysterical laughter that had filled the air explosively.

I turned in shock to witness everyone's in fits of laughter at our flustered states.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, relief flooding my veins once again.

"Oh shut up you lot. What's so funny?" I asked as innocently as possible.

Sirius arched a single eyebrow, laughter suppressed back to his sarcastic flirtatious attitude.

"I openly flirt with you almost every day y/n. I even make exceptionally inappropriate remarks but in front of you and behind your back, and yet poor little Moony calls you a cute nickname and you both lose your goddamn minds." He spoke plainly.

"Oh Merlin, that's the best thing I have seen in a good while." Lily stammered through her residing giggles.

After a few more minutes of teasing, we made it back to the common room.

AN: 1084 words. Back after a little break, didn't get as much done as I wanted but I have enough stocked to make up for a while so I can catch up. As always, hope you all enjoy and continue to read 😊

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