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Tears were fogging up my vision, leaving me to wander blindly through the school, trusting my mind and legs to take me where I needed to be.

Remus' bed.

It was my comfort place; any time I was particularly worried or upset, I ended up lying on his bed alone.

The smell of cinnamon and ink rose from the sheets, washing over my tearstained body.

Of course, no one knew about it. Not even Remus himself.

So there I was, sobbing into the covers, thoughts rushing through my head, threatening to drown me completely.

It was stupid really. James had no control over my life and was just being an overprotective brother, that was all.

His cocky attitude had just irked me for some reason.

"Prick." I said aloud.

In the back of my mind I knew I had to leave unless I wanted to be found like this.

Someone was bound to come looking for me, so I reluctantly got up, picked up my bag and went to my own bed.

As soon as my bag slid across the floor to rest at the foot of my four poster bed, I opened my suitcase and went searching for the big navy hoodie.

I had stolen it from Regulus a while ago, after he came to a sleepover in the astronomy tower in our second year.

He never talks to us now, but I still smile at him in the corridors.

Anyway, I had sprayed it in Amortentia, so it would smell like Remus but no one would be suspicious.

Specifically Sirius, Peter andJames. They would just assume it smelled like the perfume we all used, going completely under the radar.

It was fairly smart, and I had been proud of myself once it worked.

I put on the hoodie, lay down on my back staring at the ceiling and began humming a tune.

                   *time skip to dinner*

Y/n wasn't at dinner, and her friends were starting to worry.

It was the day before exams, so she most definitely needed to eat, but everyone was, to be frank; busy.

There was last minute revision to be crammed in, mental breakdowns to be had and mini quizzes to be done.

Remus couldn't focus. It was the first time ever anyone had seen him so...still...before tests.

The truth was, he was worried about y/n.

From the feverish tapping of his foot against the floor to the agitated way he was pushing the tomato soup around the bowl, he was preoccupied.

Small talk was occasionally made within the group, but the normal atmosphere was gone. Everyone felt uneasy.

Remus stood up, looked at Olive and spoke.

"I'm going to y/n. She's still in the dorms, I checked the map."

With that, he picked up some sandwiches and left the Great Hall.

James tensed up, but didn't move. He did speak though. "For godrics sake. Thinks he can just go up to her alone and-" Lily cut him off swiftly.

"Yes he can James. At least he's trying. You are her twin and she is hurting yet here you are, stuffing your face with pasta and whining about Remus being a good person. Grow up." She snapped.

James looked shocked, and turned to Sirius for help.

He gave him none, instead shaking his head. "She's right mate, you are being a dick."

James went red, anger boiling within him.

Meanwhile, Remus was at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the girl's dormitories.

He knew better than to walk up there, there was a charm that stopped boys from going up.

He would have to either get y/n to come down to him, or bring him upstairs with her.

Either way, she had to leave her room.

Remus sighed, put the plate of food down and grabbed his wand. He opened the door to the room y/n was in.

"Y/n? Princess it's me. Will you come help me get up to you?" He called hesitantly.

No reply.

I swallowed thickly, hoping she was alright.

"Baby please, just come to me. I'm alone, there's no one else here. Just you and me." I said a little louder.

I heard a muffled voice, but couldn't decipher real words.

"I can't hear you y/n. Come talk to me, please?" I asked, growing desperate. My palms were sweating, my eyes stung and my mind was cloudy with worry. (Palms are sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy)

God, she had to be okay.

Then, I heard a creak. My eyes flew upwards, looking at y/n at the tip of the stairs.

She was barely standing, clearly weak. Her eyes were red and puffy, I could see where tears had ran down her cheeks, physically burning a path.

Her hair was tied back messily and she was in her skirt with an old hoodie thrown over the top.

Even from here, I could smell her scent.

I smiled at her, opening my arms.

"Step forward." She said, voice hoarse.

I didn't hesitate before doing so, causing the staircase to become a slide. She sat down and slid the way down, stopping at my feet.

Then, she looked up. Remus' heart nearly stopped the and there. Her beautiful eyes looking up through lashes, a look of pain on her face.

Her arms were outstretched to me, hands opening and closing on the air to show she wanted me to pick her up.

"Moony?" She asked. I was staring. Knew it. Damn.

Shaking my head slightly, I picked her up and felt her legs wrap around my waist. We went to the chairs by the fire in the common room. I sat down, but she stayed on top of me, face nestled in the crook of my neck.

We sat like this in silence for a while, then she looked up at me again.

"Are you okay?" I chuckled at that. "Yes baby. I'm okay. I'm not the one who should be answering that question. Are you okay?" I asked, tucking a loose strand of her hairs behind her ear.

She nodded a little, opened her mouth, then slumped in defeat.


AN: 1025 words. 🫖
But seriously, I hope you are all enjoying this series. No one has messaged me about another book, but then again, no one asked for this either. I might write it, might not. Don't count on it. Love you all, go drink water and eat something other than junk please xx

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