A Marauders Christmas part two

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Remus started, eating his chunk of chocolate laced with Veritiserum.

We then each took turns asking him one question, knowing it would be answered truthfully. This structure repeated for the whole group, finishing with Lily. Everyone was going easy on each other as it was the first game of the series.

We then played the memory game and Rock Paper Scissors ultimate for a few hours; that game is competitive as hell. Hannah threw her head back and laughed after winning for the fifth time in a row. "Guess you're all just losers then." She said. Lily and I exchanged a smirk, waiting for the perfect moment.

Lily started it. "Yeah okay Hannah. If you really think we're all losers, take a bit of truth teller and answer me a question." She said. Hannah looked suspicious, but clearly a little drunk from winning soo much. "Yeah Hannah. Here's some, just enough for one question." I egged the girl on.

She fell right into our trap, taking the potion and looking up expectantly.

"Hannah, do you or do you not have a crush on a member of this circle?" Lily asked.

Realisation dawned on Hannah's face just too late- she blurted our a "Yes I do." before she could stop it. I led it up quickly, knowing I had just enough time. "Is it Padfoot?" I asked. The potion was wearing off, but did leave her nodding while screaming in protest.

Both Lily and I laughed at the success of our diabolical plan. That girl was so gullible.

"You said one question." She huffed. Y/n rolled her eyes, a signature move at this point. "Well, you answered it. Not my fault." I defended myself.

Without hesitation, Sirius looked at Hannah deep in the eyes, working his charming smile and sweet deep voice. "Come here then, baby doll. Let's see what other secrets that tongue will spill." He said.

This statement had mixed reactions, to say the least.

Hannah did the most convincing impression of a tomato I have ever seen, while Lily squealed and James and I both made vomit noises and Remus spluttered I shock at his own best friend. "Mate, that was pretty smooth even for you." He said. James stared at Remus in disbelief.

"Moony, don't encourage the git! You're meant to be the one keeping us in check, not egging him on!" He protested.

Remus merely shrugged. "Was just telling the truth." He said simply. At this, attention was turned back to Hannah and Padfoot.

Hannah has landed herself into Sirius' lap and the pair were making out softly but passionately. I immediately pulled the two apart, shoved them into the broom cupboard James had transfigured from a teacup and locked the door.

Remus, Lily and I had already bewitched it so it would only open if the occupiers kissed with meaning and for an adequate amount of time. It was ingenious.

After completing this, I sat back down and rubbed my eyes. "Never thought it would be Sirius taking that record, as odd as it sounds." Lily looked at me quizzically.

"Well who did you think would be the first ones to kiss this year then?" She asked innocently. Remus knew what I was about to say, and gave me a warning look.

I didn't care though. "Why Lilyflower, it should have been you and my darling brother of course." I said, mocking James' voice at her nickname. He was the only one who used it.

James leapt up and pounced at me, covering my mouth with a nearby pillow. I yelled in surprise, then began to laugh as there was no point fighting; he could easily overpower me ten times over.

I pulled my only secret weapon- tickles. That soon got him off me, both puffed out and faces equally as red. "Ahhh, a good disguise for the truth, brother." I said knowingly.

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