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We made it with three minutes to spare, went to our desks and I chatted with James until the invigilator hushed the room.

Recollecting my thoughts, I took a deep breath.

Alright, Charms. Easy peasy, we'll be fine. I write the answers, I check the answers, I rewrite the answers in my mind.

All we have to do, let's do this.

"Good luck. Your time begins now."

I flipped open the booklet of parchment and read the first question.

An eight marker on summoning spells. I had went over this with Olive a couple days ago.

I dipped my quill in ink and began.

After two hours of frenzied reading and writing, the papers were sealed shut and flew back to the front of the Hall to some desks.

Once given the instruction to do so, the entire of the fifth year hogwarts student body filed out of the Hall into an evening of free-

Nope, sorry. Still got lots of exams.

An evening of studying awaited them.

Y/n made her way to the common room with all of her friends and had a good two hour study session.

She sat on Remus' lap, head over his left shoulder testing herself with revision cards and legs wrapped around his waist as he helped Hannah with any topics she wanted to look over.

Lily had her head on James' shoulder, curled up beside him with his protective arm over her, playing with a strand of her vibrant hair absentmindedly.

Sirius and Peter were sat cross-legged facing each other, attempting to recall the majority of information from the mindmaps y/n had given them last week to help.

Olive had her back pressed against Hannah's, reading through summarised notes and cross-checking any facts with the open textbook beside her.

It was a heartwarming scene.

Anyone who passed the group couldn't help but smile, but the group themselves were too absorbed in their tasks to notice.

Eventually, they headed up to bed and threw themselves onto their beds.

It wasn't long until the whole tower was silent with the steady breathing of exhausted students getting their well deserved rest.

And so this was how life continued for the next week; you woke up, ate, studied, did a test, ate, studied, did a test, ate, studied and slept.

It repeated in a monotonous cycle, slowly draining the life and everything from everyone trapped in it.

By the last day of exams, almost no one had the energy to talk, let alone run around chasing each other.



Y/n came flying through the entrance to the Great Hall, chasing her smug brother who was clutching what appeared to be notes.

"Why y/n? If their just revision notes, why can't I seeeeeeee?" He pried.

He stopped at the rest of the Marauders, grinning up at a lethargic McGonagall.

Y/n caught up and stopped with him, copying his grin at their House Head.

"Good morning Professor!" He chirped.

"Have a nice sleep?" Y/n asked, their grins growing wider.

McGonagall rolled her eyes affectionately at the pair.

"Sit down you two. One day you really will be the death of me. Oh and Mr Potter, give miss Potter her parchment back."

James looked up defeatedly.

They did push the boundaries with their favourite teacher, but knew better than to directly ignore her.

James gave back the paper which y/n immediately snatched out of his hands and stuffed into her bag.

The pair sat down, completely aware that everyone was looking at them but completely ignoring it.

"Morning everyone. Ready for the final day of torture?" James asked, pulling the cornflakes towards him.

"Oh like you would not believe Pads, like you would not believe." Sirius replied, grabbing the jam.

"And it's Friday, so we get the WHOLE weekend!" Olive cheered.

Y/n grinned, remembering her promise to Remus.

Lily saw this change in expression, but chose to ignore it.

She was too busy trying to cram as much information into her head to deal with her lovesick friend.


The day went by smoothly, and after a few nerve wracking hours it was finally half past seven and the Marauders were curled under the huge blanket Sirius charmed to levitate above them.

They were just chatting and letting out all the stress.

They had completed their OWL's.

That was a weird thought.

James and y/n were writing their respective letters to their parents to tell them how it goes.

Sirius had received a howler from his mum telling him to never come home again, so I had asked mother and father if he could stay with us for the time being.

I was confident they would agree; he basically lived between all our houses these past years anyway.

Still, it was a formality to ask if nothing else.

Sirius would appreciate it greatly.

Lily had asked her why she seemed so happy today, but y/n passed it off as end of exam joy.

Lily knew she way lying, but everyone else believed her so she dropped it.

"Do we have plans then?" Olive asked.

"Nope, clean slate as always." Sirius replied, blowing a strand of hair out of his face.

I exchanged a brief look with Remus and answered.

"Remus and I have plans for Saturday night but other than that we're clear." I said, slightly nervous.

No one really reacted except Lily, who nodded curtly.

Then Sirius had to come ruin it.

"Okay Remus, get some then." He said in a flirty voice.

Remus blushed and smiled at his friend.

"None of your business."

Y/n's stomach dropped.

Holy shit.

Wait, he was joking right? Remus never really spoke like this with his friends, but he wasn't stupid.

He knew how to tease like anyone else.

So, y/n decided to add to it.

"You'll know anyway, just check for a limp." She winked at her dumbfounded friends and resumed eating an orange.

Haha, figure his one out bitches.

AN: 1015 words, 👀. Hope everyome ate abs slept today, I love you all. Enjoy my darlings xx

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