A Marauders Christmas part one

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Exams all went well, except for Potions where I was too busy cutting the beetles to realise my cauldron was boiling over.

It was snowing lightly outside, a light breeze flowing though our hair as all the early Hogwarts students made their way through the town. Our first stop was a quaint little jewellery shop, where we split off and made a target to meet at Zonko's in one hour.

That way, we could shop for each other's presents separately and get for our family too. I bought a charm bracelet with and Olive leaf, a heart and a rat pendant on it. She would love it, probably blush when I told her what or who to be more specific, the rat and olive leaf symbolised.

I also picked up some green studded earrings for mother and a ring for Hannah. After this, I faced the weather again to get to the Broom shop, where I bought some Quidditch gloves for dad and a broom servicing kit for James.

Then, I went to Honeydukes to buy Remus and Peter's gifts. I found a box of Peters favourite sweets, which replaced themselves every time you ate one. It only lasted a few days, but I'm sure he'll still like it. Now, for Remus' gift.

I had already got him a maroon turtleneck jumper, woolen and embroidered with gold thread on the cuffs. I saw it a few weeks ago and knew Remus would love it, but I still wanted to get him some chocolate- it was just rite of passage by now.

With all the presents in gift bags, you headed to Zonko's to meet Olive and Lily. I knew I was there early, so I could grab Lily's gift before they arrived. She had wanted a hex-protected bag since our first year, but it was really expensive and she had never had enough to get it. I'd been saving up for three years, and now I had enough to get her it. Hopefully she still wants one, you thought.

After paying for the bag and placing it wrapped in one of the gift bags, I spotted Olive, Lily and Hannah over by the sugar quills. After going to them, we shopped around for clothes and random things we needed for next term, and then got some butterbeers in the Three Broomsticks.

It was now well past six, and we had to be back at the castle so everyone going home could get in the train for nine. We left Hogsmeade cold but happy and close as ever.

After returning to our dorms, I helped everyone pack and left the room so they could all hide my gift and the Maurauders' gifts in the room. They would tell me where they all were by owl on Christmas Eve, so I could give the boys theirs for them. We then had a tearful goodbye and just like that, I was alone in the dormitory with the last of my Transfiguration homework and a chocolate frog. I finished the work and started on Charms, wanting to get all of my work done for the Christmas holidays as quickly as possible, so I could enjoy it properly.

About halfway through my Charms, there was a loud bang, the sound of skin sliding on wood and a distressed screech from downstairs. I closed the books and rolled my eyes. Those idiots try to climb up the girls stairs even though they know they can't.

I opened the door and went to the stairs. Sure enough, there was Sirius, bent into an awkward position, rubbing his back morosely and being laughed at by Peter. "Shut up Wormtail, it was a great tactic." He said.

Peter just laughed and then looked up at me. I slid down the stairs, which had now taken the form of a slide, and helped Sirius up. "When will you learn? Anyway, what did you want?" I asked. Sirius' pained expression morphed into that of an overexcited puppy.

"Since there's no one else here, we have decided to set up camp in the common room this year! It'll be way more comfortable than the hidden passage between Honeydukes and Hogwarts, more room and all. Plus, we can all sit in a proper circle which will help stop us from falling asleep accidentally" He said.

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