Girl Time

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In a mere space of minutes, people began flooding the room, books strewn on tables and ink pots popping open, the scratching of quills on parchment and feverish fluttering of parchment filled the room like a warm breeze.

Y/n and Remus had been studying for Charms and Care of Magical Creatures; tomorrow's exams.

Along with Lily, they were the most studious people you could find, so hardly needed the cramming time.

It was more for reassurance.

The other marauders, however, most certainly could benefit from this time.

First came Lily and Peter, like a pair of sacrifices.

It was a funny sight, so I chuckled and patted the space beside me while Remus moved up for Lily. Peter sat down beside me and fluffed my hair.

I resisted the urge to hex him on the spot.

Next was Olive and Hannah, who took the opportunity to sit in the floor and start pulling books out.

I promised to help them revise every night before each exam.

Finally was Sirius and James.

Sirius did it seem to be talking to James, just walking beside him awkwardly.

When they reached our spot, Sirius lifted me up by the waist, sat in my seat and pushed me on to Remus' lap.

"Study there sweetheart, my legs are too sore to be on the floor." This might have been true, but the way he glared at James made me think there emerge other reasons too.

Not that I was complaining. Trust Sirius to perfectly match my energy towards my idiot of a sibling.

I smiled at Sirius and nodded, settling back down to some work.

Remus had been surprised at first, but now had his arms laced around my waist and twisted me sideways so I was facing his left ear, meaning he could keep reading the notes held in front of him.

James was just standing there, not seeing a
place for him.

'Serves the prick right.' Y/n. Or did it?

Finally, Sirius was the one to take action again.

With a cold stare, he spoke to James. "We have OWL's tomorrow and you're going to stand there like a fucking idiot?"

James seemed to snap out of his trance and cleared his throat.

"N-no. No I'm not, sorry." He quickly glanced in my direction, eyes full or remorse.

I reminded myself of my promise to the perfect boy I was sat on top of.

Not dealing with this now. Focus y/n, focus.

Sirius rolled his eyes and sighed loudly before going back to writing out a practice essay question.

Time passed in an off fashion, speeding off at times then slowing right down so each second dragged out to what seemed like a lifetime.

It was now half ten and Lily had been trying to catch my eyes.

I finished the chapter and looked at her.

The next few moments were taken over by the silent conversation we had, discussing when to send everyone to bed.

We used pointed stares and eyebrow movements to communicate.

This, along with lying, was something Lily and I had perfected to a "t."

Seconds later we were packing away our things and Lily telling the girls to come to our dorm.

I looked around Sirius to Peter. "Wormy, we should go to bed if we want to do well. Mind keeping the stair light to your dorms on for Sirius? I need to talk to him a moment."

Peter smiled. "Sure mum."

It was a joke that Lily and I were the mother and father of the group.

We took our roles fairly seriously, referring to e regime as 'my child' or 'darling' regularly.

I got off Moony and kissed the tip of his nose.

A blush crept over his face, activating the wave of butterflies in my stomach he gave me every single day.

Turns out that never stops. Not ever.

Olive grabbed my bag, acknowledging my grateful smile before exiting along with everyone else.

The common rooms population had significantly reduced since we first started.

There were still a few people left scattered around, the fire dimming and crackling by my feet, flickering a faint light onto the walls and waves of heat randomly washing over us.

Sirius pulled me into a tight hug.

"It's going to be okay. So when it's not okay, you know it's not the end." Was all he said.

I nodded, closing my eyes for a brief moment.

"I just want to get this week over first before dealing with him." Sirius nodded.

"Okay, I'll keep him away from you until you're ready. Don't worry about it. We are all on your side, I just can't deal with letting him think I'm forgiving him." A weak smile appeared on my face, unbeknownst to me.

"Thanks Pads. You are really the best pal a girl could ask for."

"Dogs are a mans best friend you know." He said, a smile cracking the tired face.

"I'm not a man though."

"I'm not entirely a dog either."


"Go sleep, I'll go too."

I made my way up to the dorms, showering and doing my night routine before dropping into bed.

So much was buzzing through my mind, but I had to sleep.

Rolling into my side, I looked at Hannah's bed.

She was in it, but sat up, hugging her knees.

I sighed quietly.

I cleared my throat before speaking to the room.

"You know girls, tonight feels like a good day for a girl sleep."

Olive shot up.

She loved girl sleeps.

Grinning, we all helped push the beds aside to create just enough room in the middle for us all to lie down, brining all the blankets and pillows from the beds before curling up together, almost on top of each other.

"Sweet dreams darlings." Olive said.

We all said our good nights, drifting off into a frazzled but cozy sleep.

AN: 1008 words. I won't be on my phone for a while so I thought I'd post two today 😊 Thanks for reading, hope you all get some water and have a good today xx

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