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It was near five past one before the rest of the marauders had made their way down to see the pair. They came crashing in, their usual chaotic energy back in place from being momentarily drained last night.

Madame Pomfrey rolled her eyes, but when she brought sandwiches for Remus and I she seemed to be happy to see them back to normal. "Lily has all of Remus' work and Olive has all of y/n's." Said James after seeing both our faces.

Sirius rolled his eyes and Peter sniggered. "You two are so weird. Why do you want the work?" Asked Sirius. "None of the teachers know where we go every moon, except McGonagall and Slughorn." Said Remus simply. No one asked any further, and instead we were informed of the latest prank and created for help.

"Obviously James and I need to be in the class so we can give the cue to Sirius, but we need you two to create the distraction." Remus and I both pulled a face; we hated being distractions.

"Why can't I be in class with James and Peter and Remus do the distraction?" I pleaded. Moony stares at me with fake shock. "Throwing me under the bus? How rude." He pouted. "No. It has to be you two." Sirius smiled evilly. I could tell he had a plan, but didn't want to hear it at present. "Fine." I sighed, giving in.

A week later, we were all neck deep in homework and revision with our OWLS in five months and our mock results coming in. The prank was now all planned out meticulously by y/n and Remus, and it was due to happen tomorrow.

We were currently in Transfiguration, receiving our mocks. McGonagall paced through the aisles of students imperiously, handing out  the booklets or paper we had completed before Christmas graded with feedback.

I had done reasonably well for the amount of effort I put in, achieving O's in Herbology, History of Magic, Acient Runes and DADA and E's in Charms and Potions. I only had Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration, Astronomy and Muggle Studies left. Olive nudged my arm, gesturing to my paper to ask for my result.

I turned the page round, allowing her to view the big black 'O' at the top right hand corner. Olive rolled her eyes, then slid her paper across a few inches to me.

She had got an 'A', which was quite a good mirror of the work she put in. Olive has never liked Transfiguration and only took it on because she had to. I gave her an encouraging nod, followed by a silly face to make her laugh.

It worked a treat.

"Now that everyone has their results, I would like to give some general feedback. This class did exceptionally well, and I am quite content with everyone's work. In the real exam, however, there are a few things I would like you all to note. Quills out."

The rest of the day was spent getting results and writing out notes of feedback to practise and perfect for May and June. Come dinner, everyone was exhausted, barely touching the feast in front of them. James wrapped his arms around me, burying his head in my hair.

I closed my eyes, letting the warmth wash over me. "I miss them." He said quietly. I nodded, whispering back. "So do I Jamesy." After dinner, I headed up with the Marauders, Lily, Olive and Hannah to the common room, where we collapsed into our usual spot beside the fireplace.

Slowly, the group headed up to bed in ones and pairs, siding everyone good night as they went. Soon enough, James and I were the only ones left. I got p from my seat and lay down next to James, my head on his lap.

"I wrote to mum and dad last week, but I think we should write again to tell them all our results. What do you think?" I asked softly, aware that James might not like the idea. He hummed thoughtfully, twirling a piece of my hair on his fingers. "Yeah, I'd like that. Let's do it tonight." I got up and found some parchment while my brother pulled a quill out of his robes and ink pot from his bag.

He dipped the quill and handed it to me, who had better handwriting. "Dear mum and dad, we know it's only been a week but thought you might like to hear our mock results." I began, letting James tell me what to write from here. Once it was done, I used tissue to dry the quill tip and screwed the lid back on the inkpot.

Leaving the parchment out to dry, I have James a hug and went to bed, utterly exhausted.

The next few weeks went past fairly quickly, workload was becoming worryingly high but that didn't stop the pranks, jokes, detentions or good times we had together.

It was now April, and I, being the academically oriented student I was, began revising for our OWL's.

The great hall was filled with an early morning drowsiness, the noise of mumbled greetings to each other and the crunch of toast being munched on was calming in a sense. Hogwarts was a constant.

You were bent over a Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook, writing out notes dutifully while slowly working our way though a glass of pumpkin juice.

Lily was on your left pouring herself cereal and chatting to Peter about something random. Hannah and Olive were trying to convince Molly that Arthur liked her and James and Remus were playing Hangman on a scrap piece of parchment.

(Remus introduces the muggle game to encourage James to work on spellings.)

Sirius murmured in your ear. "You and Remus seem awfully comfy these past few months. Anything you want to share?" He asked quietly. This wasn't like Sirius; if he had a question then you bet the whole room would know about it.

You shook your head nonchalantly. "No, we've been studying together and helping plan your stupid pranks, that's why we talk so much." I answered tiredly.

It was still fairly early and you hadn't really used your voice yet as of today.

"Okay little prongs." He shrugged jokingly. You threw an apple at him.

"Eat up dumbass." You joked. He took a large bite and winked at you before letting you return to your work.

AN: 1077 words. Haven't updated in a while sorry exam week is here so I'm very busy but tried to get something out 😊 hope you all enjoy xx

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