Morning Mayhem

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I awoke with a jolt, eyes wide and unblinking, a thin sheen of sweat coating my forehead.

Almost immediately, I began to feel more relaxed and was almost back asleep before I realised where I was.

On the floor of our dormitory, covered in blankets and limbs of my favourite girls.

The atmosphere was calming, the steady breathing of everyone matching at a steady pace.

Olive's snuffles could be heard every few moments, quiet enough to not disturb anyone from their slumber.

I felt my own breathing steady, falling in place with everyone else's.

If I had known that first night at Hogwarts that these girls would be as amazing and comforting as they are or we would be in this exact moment years later, I wouldn't have been worried at all.

I really couldn't have had any better luck.

The day was yet to show its sunlight, a cool breeze swinging through the open window, looking out onto the black lake.

The giant squid could be seen at this time, a dark mass floating across the surface, taking in the view before it was flooded with young witches and wizards.

I didn't want to move for two reasons.

One, I didn't want to wake anyone else up from their sleep on such an important day.

Two, if I moved, that would be like accepting the day had begun.

I wasn't ready to do that just yet.

So instead, I closed my eyes and focussed on the last sheaf of revision notes I had sent over last night, trying to remember the contents of each.

Care of Magical Creatures was first at half ten, then lunch and a good study period before Charms at five.

We were doing the practical part of each examination before the theory part.

I thought this was a stupid idea, because the knowledge you had crammed in could easily be forgotten during the practical part, leaving you with less of a chance at the paper.

Slowly but surely, thin streams of light crawled into the room, alerting y/n to daybreak.

Lily would be mad if you didn't wake her up to get properly ready for the day now.

Before all tests, we always spent the mornings getting ready together, no matter what type of exam we had.

So, I began to wriggle out of the mound, heat leaving my body sad.

Once fully out, I turned to the girls who had changed my life over the past four and a half years.

They were sound asleep, looking like angels with hair splayed in all angles and limbs lying over one another.

There was a clear gap where I had been, causing a tug behind my ribs.

I belonged with them.

They belonged with me.


Sighing, I turned to Hannah's full length mirror and grabbed Lily's hairbrush to put my hair up for the day.

Then, I began to shake Olive as she was easiest to wake up.

Slowly she stirred, slightly disoriented but awake nonetheless.

Next was Hannah, who happened to have her arm over her eyes to shield herself from the sun while still asleep.


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